Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Wed - Dec 27/17

We are still going to hit the mid-70's F today; however there may not be too much sunshine.

Usually, the fog has burnt off by 9 a.m. This morning we are still in "Pea Soup" due to the high humidity. By the "New Year" we will be much cooler with some areas close to freezing at night; but for now it is still reasonably nice especially compared to home where they got several inches of snow and way below zero temps.

I dropped Charlotte off at the Craft Room for 9 a.m. Today is sewing day. Many of the ladies are busy on quilting projects. Others just came to sit and chat. A few of the "Hubbies" come to carry in the sewing machines (older models can be quite heavy) and then leave in the auto.

I usually help Charlotte with the sewing machine (carrying it in - not using it) and then go next door to the Lodge to use the Wi-Fi. Today I had a different task. Certain days the Lodge is used for Yoga and is off limits to others until about 9:30 a.m. This would be a good time to "Dump".


Although OMS is a "Full Service" RV Resort w/Water, Power and Sewers, it is best to store the "Black Water" (guess what that is) until the tank is near capacity and then "Dump". The "Grey Water" (Shower and Sink Fluids) can be open to flow through into the sewer; however this practice can cause "clogging" in the black water system because the solids do not flow through as easily.

I have never used the standard sewer hose. They are larger and quick; however, because of their "Accordion" construction they collect debris and stink-up the storage compartment. This is not a problem for most trailers as it is stored in the hollow rear bumper. In a motorhome with no such bumper the hose has to be stored in the "Service Compartment".

Since "Day 1" I have used a "SewerSolution V". It is a water-powered jet pump system designed for dumping the waste from RVs and flushing the system clean. The SewerSolution System includes SewerSolution pump unit, a 10' length of Dump Hose and the Full Hookup Adapter Kit. I bought an additional 10' Hose Kits. Since it can  pump waste up to 60 feet (even uphill); but still drain downhill without water or power, I think it is great. Note: It dumps through a hose (green-striped) that is smooth and washes clean when finished.

I use a clear extension to connect the RV drain to the SewerSolution. That way I can clearly see the progress of the "Dump". This is more necessary than it might seem. Most folks just connect and dump (using regular sewer hoses). They think it has emptied the black water tank when the flow stops. This may not always be the case. TP (toilet paper) and other debris can form "Dams", especially in large tanks. The flow has stopped; but debris and fluid are still in the tank. This means it appears to fill more quickly than it should and it is necessary to dump more often.

To combat this I made a little system. I use a Gilmour Shut-Off (suggest the aluminum, not the plastic - or better still - the brass). I can now control the water to the RV. I labelled the taps as "#1. RV Main" (connected to the motorhome water filter "IN"), "#2. Black Water Flush", "#3. Sewer Flush" and "#4. Garden Hose".

Step #1: Open the black water tank (drain) valve (after first closing the grey water valve). I turn on the #2 Sewer Flush line. This is connected to the SewerSolution. It forces water through a high speed jet that liquefies any solids that are being dumped and pushes the fluid out the drain hose to the sewer (even uphill).

Step #2: When the flow (as viewed through the clear extension) has stopped I close the black water valve and turn off #2 and Turn on #3 Black Water Flush (BWF). The BWF is an attachment inside the BW tank that spin sprays (w/pressure) the inside of the tank to loosen any stuck debris. I let this run for a few minutes. I then leave it on and continue. (shutting it off is optional). Be sure not to overfill your tank when the valve is closed as it will back up through your toilet!

Step #3. Repeat Steps #1 and 2. This may seem redundant; however in most cases I think you will be surprised as to how much more you see passing through the clear extension.

I usually repeat a few times until the "Flow Thru" has little debris.

Thought this might help if you are not satisfied "Playing the Accordion (Hose): (grin).

Charlotte, as usual, returns her sewing paraphernalia to the car trunk and comes to meet me in the Lodge. Sometimes she has to wait a minute or two while I finish up what I am doing and shut down the computer.

I checked our mailbox. They are all at the Park Post Office which is just at the end of the Lodge. 

We had mail! There was a notice for an item at the park office. We went to pick it up on the way back to the motorhome for lunch.

The UPS 2-Day Delivery only took a week longer than advertised. (9 days in total). It was the replacement camera and monitor for the motorhome. TadiBrothers does provide good warranty service.

Today's lunch menu featured my "Mushroom Soup". The amount of mushrooms in the Campbell's can just doesn't do it for me. The pieces are so small and so few they don't even add up to 1 slice. 

I augment.

I saute an 8 oz. pack of sliced mushrooms (w/plenty of butter). Next, I simply add Campbell's Cream of Mushroom Soup. I rinse the can using whole milk and add the mixture to the pan. Salt and pepper to taste and that's it. Now you can actually taste the mushrooms!

We spent the afternoon removing the RV monitor and camera and installing the replacement. I had to cut off the old connectors and solder on the new ones which were different (and better).

I had to remove the dash top to get at the wires.

Then it was outside to take out the aluminum folding ladder (w/red ends) out of the side compartment and set it up to remove and reinstall the rear camera.

I set up both of my cordless drills for the removal and installation procedure.

Then it was up the ladder to access the situation. Needless to say I was up and down several times. I thought the camera and monitor would simply bolt into the previous brackets. No such luck. The replacement unit was larger.

There was another catch. The designer fell asleep at the switch. The bracket will not let the unit swivel up and down as the wireless antenna (even when folded) will not pass through the holder. To achieve any amount of view (other than straight down) I had to reposition the camera mount.

This was eventually achieved giving a total view of the toad (car in tow - the Del Sol) and a highway lane view on both sides.

We took a break just after 5 p.m. to phone our daughter Kat. We phoned to wish her Happy Birthday at about the time she was born. Then it was back to work to finish.

Charlotte was a great help through the whole process passing me the many items I needed while I was on the ladder. She also monitored the camera positioning helping me set up the angle for the best view.

We were now officially "Tired Out". I offered supper at Arby's. The offer was accepted.

A quarter our later we had pulled into the parking lot and went in to order. The whole place has had a "Facelift" since we were here last year. 

I took the 2 for $6 (Cheddar Roast Beef) deal and Charlotte had the French Dip. We shared a Loaded Curly Fries and Diet Dr. Pepper. 

Unfortunately, we didn't get back in time for Jeopardy. I dropped Charlotte off at the motorhome and returned to the Lodge (Wi-Fi Hot Spot) to do the blog. There was a crowd of cars (Poker Night, I think) so I went next door to the Craft Room (actually designated as the Multi-Purpose Room).

Folks there were enjoying Game Night. Different tables were playing either card games or Mexican Train (a domino variation).

I finished the blog and returned to the RV by 9:00 p.m. 

We both had a busy day.

I don't think we will be up for the late show - or need to be "Rocked to Sleep" tonight.

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