Friday, December 15, 2017

Mon - Dec 11/17

We were up and on our way at almost the same time again - we thought? Instead of being 7:15 a.m. - It was 6:15 a.m. We looked at the bedroom clock this morning; but it was still on DST (Daylight Saving Time).

Less than a half hour later we crossed into Florida. The traffic, like the last few hours yesterday, was mostly in all 3 lines.

Things slowed down when we approached Jacksonville, FL. We took our usual I-295 Loop. Unlike most, we go on the East Loop not the West Loop. Going East avoids more of the truck traffic. Unfortunately, it was the morning Rush Hour (even before 8 a.m.) and portions were "Stop & Go".

About a half hour later (due to slow-downs) and we were back on I-95 south. Another half hour later we were turning off towards Bunnell, FL on US-1 where we connected to FL-11. Then it was FL-40 through Barberville, FL.

We always fine the "Creatures" here amusing.

This is a great way to OMS. Good roads with little traffic, yet the speeds are mostly at least 55-60 mph. It is also relaxing. The last portion is on SR-19 "Black Bear Scenic Highway". We haven't seen any bears yet; but there are plenty of warning signs.

The good driving this year meant we arrived at Olde Mill Stream (OMS) RV Resort in the early morning instead of in the dark. Our new spot (Site #428) is at the "Far End" of the park on the edge of the "Trailer Storage" area. This means it will be quiet; however, we will have to drive to Clubhouse Events.

Check-In is always easy. The staff is as great as the best anywhere - as is the park. We were fortunate (can you say "LUCKY") to get the very last spot available. People arriving at the office just after us were told that nothing was available - until near the end of March!

Staff guided us to our spot and helped us back in (after unhooking the Del Sol). I connected the power, water and sewer after levelling up the Motorhome and extending the 3 slideouts.

If you have ever moved from one home to another you will understand when I say that it will take us a few days to unpack, setup and clean.

We worked until mid-afternoon before we decided to call it quits for today.

We then took the car for its bath (still snow storm filthy) at the Super Wash Express in Mount Dora, FL. OMS has 2 Car Wash areas for residents to use; however, the Del Sol usually gets it's first bath (because of the extreme dirt) here.

Then it was to Lowe's (right behind the Wash). Charlotte always gets a plant for the RV. We can't take it into Canada so we find it a home before we leave.

Our final agenda item for today is a stop for supper at Chili's, just a bit down the road. It was nice to just sit and relax.

I had my usual Texas Cheese Fries w/ Dr. Pepper

while Charlotte enjoyed an Arnold Palmer (Tea/Lemonade) and Soup w/Fresco Salad. We both thoroughly enjoyed the food (and the break).

We then returned to the RV to watch TV ...and crash!

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