Sunday, December 24, 2017

Sun - Dec 24/17

This morning was, like the last several mornings, thick with fog.

As usual, it was a "Sunday Morning" (on CBS).

Charlotte made her version of McD's in just a few easy steps in our Hamilton-Beach Breakfast Sandwich Maker. They were yummy.

I am still having a hard time with the computer. Apple and Microsoft don't like to make their software so that it co-operates easily with each other easily. I am trying to get photos to download automatically from the iPhone to the computer. I can't get the computer to recognize the iPhone as a USB device. It appears I also can't use the iPhone as a "Hot Spot" and download the photos from it at the same time?

After 2 hours I gave up. We needed to do a little shopping for things Charlotte wanted for our "Potluck" contribution to tomorrow's Christmas Dinner. We headed off to Publix; bought the needed items and returned to put them in the refrigerator.

We then decided to head for Renningers in Mt. Dora. We got the first parking spot at the entrance - how's that for lucky!

Renninger's Twin Markets is located on 117 acres in Mt. Dora.There are two large buildings and a number of open air shopping areas that house a wide variety of dealers from produce stands, clothing shops, and oddity vendors, to high quality antiques and collectibles. This will give us an hour or so of exercise. 

About a quarter of the booths were closed. Unfortunately; the mini-donut booth was just closing, so we couldn't get our usual "Bucketful".

We did; however, manage to find a few items ...that we didn't know we needed. (as I always say).
It was now a little after 2 p.m. Time to eat!

We drove along in 6 lanes of "busy" for 5 minutes or so down US-441. Then it was "Golden Corral" (in Eustis, FL) for a mid-afternoon brunch. Golden Corral was still quite busy when we arrived; however it did slow down by the time we left (about 3:30 p.m.). 

It was just 15 minutes back to OMS. The fog had burnt off; but the skies were still cloudy. We still were able to enjoy the "Convertible" weather. Back at OMS I parked at the clubhouse so Charlotte could double-check the Christmas Dinner time. We would have to drive (not walk) this year as we are now at the far end of the park. This means we will have to leave an hour before the 1 p.m. starting time if we want a parking spot.

By 5 pm I was back working on the computer while Charlotte watched TV. It took a few teaks and I was able to get the images from the iPhone to the computer.  Hey, things are looking up - I was able to get the pictures from today so I could use them in the blog.

Honestly, we don't feel like this is Christmas Eve. We had our Christmas with the family before we left for Florida. Being here, without cold or snow and an extra hour or so of daylight (compared to back home) makes it hard to think tomorrow is Christmas Day.

Well, as Santa says; (aw! read it yourself).

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