Friday, December 15, 2017

Fri - Dec 15/17

All things don't go as planned. Today I thought I could get up and go to the Lounge and use the internet to continue working on getting the computer back to normal.

No such luck.

It took all day just to get the blog up-to-date. I still can't transfer pictures yet.

At least Charlotte got a chance to rest a bit today - between small tasks.

After Dr. Phil (3-4 p.m.) I offered Charlotte the opportunity to visit a new quilting store we just heard about (at the Craft Room, yesterday).

We planned to leave for the "Material Girl" Quilt Shop in Eustis a little after 4 p.m. until a double-check on the internet showed that it closed at 4 p.m.

I resigned myself to working on the computer - only a hundred or so more programs to go.

Just a TV night otherwise.

It appears the abnormal will be the norm - at least for a while.

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