Friday, December 15, 2017

Wed - Dec 13/17

We are now starting the day with a little bit of normalcy. We each had cereal for breakfast. Charlotte was able to enjoy a coffee as we know had milk.

Charlotte walked to the Craft Room after breakfast while I continued setting up the RV. It was a straight line along the grass of the storage area right to the Craft Room. She went to say "Hi" to the "Gang". All the regulars were there. All were happy to see each other again.

I pulled out the compact folding ladder from the side compartments while she was gone and proceeded to set it up so I could clean the front windshield and side windows in preparation for the "Privacy Screening" installation. Charlotte passed me the screens for installation once she returned.

I had the screens custom made when we were staying in the Rio Grande Valley area of Texas the second year we had the Motorhome. No "Class A" should be without this. It makes it possible to see outside through the windshield and side windows without being viewed by those passing by (unless bright interior lights are on). Even with the lights on those outside can only see shadows. The added bonus is that is also allows light in while filter out the direct sunshine which helps keep the RV cooler.

I installed a few more computer programs between unpacking, sorting and cleaning. The problem, with some, is that I can't activate them as they are limited to 1 computer per licence. I had to email the vendor, explain the situation (I'm sure Windows causes this a lot) and get a reset for validation. Judging by the internet comments thousands are having the same problems. As the Queen (E the  II) would say: "I am not amused".

The problem is compounded by lack of internet being I am not at home. Wi-Fi is only available in a few buildings in the park.

Charlotte made Egg Salad Sandwiches for supper. Always a treat. She usually adds a bit of relish; however, because of the shopping oversight, diced pickles, olives and celery were substituted and tasted just fine.

Again it was TV and early to bed - we are still recovering from the trip down.

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