Thursday, December 14, 2017

Fri - Dec 8/17

We thought all was set to go until this morning.

The latest automatic update for Windows 10 from Microsoft failed massively.
This was the last thing I needed. While the Microsoft Tech was trying to figure out why it would not update they had an equipment failure themselves. They were nice enough to call and tell me this is what happened. Unfortunately, the only way I could get passed the "Blue Screen of Death" was to totally reinstall Windows 10.

This took several hours on Friday. The bad news is that this procedure removes all the previously installed programs. This was as far as I got. I would have to wait until we arrived at OMS in Florida before I could re-install the almost 200 programs on the computer.

Liz made our day by inviting us for supper. This would be our last chance for great Pizza (from Olympia in Cornwall) for 3 months. After supper I brought the RV from Nick's RV Storage Lot to their house. We hooked up the Del Sol to the Motorhome in their driveway. (Overnight street parking is not legal after the end of November due to snow plowing requirements).

With the RV and car all set for departure we borrowed Liz's car to go home for the night. We would return it for her at least an hour before it would be needed the car to go to work.

We were in bed early as we planned on leaving home by 6:30 a.m.

Tomorrow, we depart!

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