Friday, December 15, 2017

Sun - Dec 10/17

Yeah! We were not covered with ice this morning. We departed Wal-Mart at 7:15 a.m. (just by co-incidence).

The road still had a thin covering of frozen moisture from the night temps. Very light traffic. Again, we were on the route we have followed for over 40 years. We go this way to avoid the traffic around Washington, DC.

Less than 15  minutes later we exited I-81 to I-66 (not to be confused with Route 66) towards Washington, DC.

A half hour later we took the US-17 Bypass Route towards Warrenton, Va.  In less than an hour we were turning onto I-95 at Fredericksburg, VA.

Last year, after delaying departure for 6 hours before leaving Wal-Mart, we ended up being stuck in a two hour total traffic jam (freezing rain accidents and construction) before clearing Fredericksburg (detours through the city) and getting back on I-95. This year is was clear sailing as we turned onto I-95 towards Richmond, VA.

We took the I-295 Loop (East) around Richmond, as usual, and 90 minutes after leaving Fredericksburg we were back on I-95 9 at Petersburg, VA. The sunshine, by now, had finally cleared the frozen layer of moisture from the road.

Another fuel stop. This time it was at the Kenly, NC Flying J (again - a usual stop). Cleaned the windshield at this stop. I couldn't at the last Flying J - the squeegee was frozen solid in the water bucket. Price keeps going down ($2.13 a gallon).

We decided, due to the good travelling, that we would by-pass our usual Wal-Mart stop at Walterboro, SC and continue on to the Flying J at Brunswick, GA where we arrive about a half hour after sunset.

Although the RV parking spots were large enough here - there was a problem. Two Motorhomes were taking up 4 parking spots. They parked this way so they could open up their slides. As a man exited on of these units I commented to him that it was not "Proper Etiquette" to park in this manner. He agreed and said he would ask the owner to move it and park properly. Which he did (but was still upset about having to do it). Now the 2 only took up 3 spaces. I could squeeze into the last spot available - which I did. RVers like this are what causes problems for everyone else. They not only don't appreciate the free stay - they think they own the place.

(I would have posted a picture; but I cannot download yet from the iPhone - I am still installing programs after the Windows 10 crash.)

We then had supper at the Dennys while I plugged in the iPhone to charge while we ate.

After supper another Bounder (Diesel) pulled in next to us. They were from British Columbia. He went in to check if he could park there (not a parking spot) because there was no place else available and others had parked improperly.

Sometime after we fell asleep he moved over after an improperly parked vehicle had departed (or was asked to move?).

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