Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Tue - Dec 19/17

Not much (of interest) to report today.

We have been killing flies daily since we arrived. Those that managed to get into the RV in the fall are coming back to life with the heat. We have been "swatting" at least a dozen a day since we arrived. I think we have almost got them all!

I left for the Lodge mid-morning and spent until after 6:30 p.m. trying to get Windows 10 to work on the computer. Apparently, A lot of the time the screen just displayed the "Getting Windows Ready" message. Apparently, I missed another nice day with 80 F temps and sunshine.

Folks regularly arrived at the Lodge throughout the day. Two groups arrived to play cards. One group (around lunch time) played "Cribbage" while the other (around supper time) played "Poker" . Several individuals came in with large coolers and filled them up with ice cubes from the large machine strategically placed near the front door. They must be going on picnics or serving a lot of lemonade.

A few came to us the Wi-Fi, but, mostly I was alone.

I succeed in at least finding the computer problem (I hope). Every time Windows shuts down or starts up it spends time (sometimes a few hours) trying to install updates. There are corrupted files somewhere.

The Windows Update Troubleshooter managed to find and fix a few files; however it indicates one it found and couldn't fix. Microsoft has a bad habit of identifying problems; but giving no solution. They cause the problem; find it, but don't tell you how to fix it.

At least Charlotte rested while I was away.

I decided to quit so I could return in time for Jeopardy. Hopefully, I will get to find the final solution tomorrow.

Charlotte microwaved the remaining Spanish Rice for supper. There is always enough for two meals which is fine by me.

At least the computer restarted after Jeopardy so I did the blog. Then it was TV for the rest of the evening.

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