Sunday, December 31, 2017

Sun - Dec 31/17

We spent our usual Sunday morning watching Sunday Morning on CBS in bed.

Again, Charlotte made McD breakfast muffins and we continued to channel surf. Down here half of the channels have the dreaded "Paid Programming" at this time today. Otherwise it was political, religious or football programs.

I went to the Lodge today just before noon to check the emails and send out "Happy New Year" wishes.

Thankfully, the computer appears to be still functioning; however Windows Update still wants to tell me I am not connected to the internet. Chances are that later it will say that I am up to date and post the time. I'll have to wait and see as "Retry" often doesn't change the results.

I stayed about an hour and published the blog. I will update today's activities tomorrow since we will be going to the New Year's Eve party in the Main Activity Center. The Wi-Fi access buildings close at 10 p.m.

Wishing One and All: Happy New Year!

...Have a Great One!

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