Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Wed - Dec 20/17

I drove Charlotte to the Craft Room and carried in her sewing machine for quilting. I then walked next door to the Lodge to continue working on the computer.

I worked until noon with no progress. I left the computer and went to help Charlotte; however she was already packed and walking to the door. We were then off to the RV for lunch.

Charlotte made a quick lunch - cold cut sandwiches. They are always good. She stayed to relax and I returned to the computer problem in less than half an hour.

When I returned to the Lodge the computer was still where I left it. It was also still on the "Wait" screen. I then got Microsoft Tech Support on the Internet Chat and requested assistance.

That was it from 12:30 until after 6 p.m. They tried what I tried and got the same result. It still wouldn't work properly on update. I was now on my third "Tech" for this problem which appears to be a problem with the latest update in a high percentage of cases. I keep telling them that if they tried to restart update I would get the "Getting Windows Ready" screen for an hour before it would restart - then another hour on the updating screen before I could sign in again. In total, I have been trying for a week and Microsoft Techs for about 9 hours in total.

The last (3rd) tech tried and sure enough, as predicted....she lost my screen. She phoned back and I now have a "Free" appointment with a higher level tech scheduled for tomorrow at 9:30 a.m. I will take Charlotte to Crafts again tomorrow; however since it is a Yoga Day I can't use the Lodge (I got "kicked out" last time - they don't like anyone else in the hall when they are "doing their thing". I hope there will be a table left in the Craft Room so I can set up and connect to the Wi-Fi when the Tech Calls.

I finally got the computer screen back a little after 6 p.m. and headed for the motorhome. Charlotte was surprised saying; "You're back early!"

Charlotte and I worked together to make supper. We are starting to use items from the pantry - which is still quite full. Tonight it was hamburger patties, baby peas and Alfredo Noodles. (I  hate to admit that I enjoy cooking on the Induction Cooktop.)

Supper was cooked and finished in time for Jeopardy. The rest of the evening, as usual, will be channel surfing on the TV. That's OK - we still need the extra rest.

Although it was in the mid-80's F again today, it was much more comfortable because of a steady, cooling breeze.

Hopefully a higher level tech will be able to solve the computer issue tomorrow and I can actually think about doing something on Friday.

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