Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Tue - Dec 25/17

Hope all had a Merry Christmas.

We stayed in bed and watched TV for a bit this morning. Today will be a lazy day. No plans to join any of the "Bargain Hunter" or "Return" lines. We both skipped breakfast. There are always so many good looking choices at an RV Park Potluck Dinner that we always leave like a Thanksgiving Turkey - Stuffed! ...and we are not likely to want to eat much today.

Charlotte finished our supply of boiled eggs (we did the whole dozen at once) for lunch making my favourite - Egg Salad Sandwiches on fresh bread. Yum!

It was a cool (60's F) morning; however the sun came through and it warmed to the mid-70's this afternoon.

We watched an old Black and White movie on TV. "Sorry, Wrong Number" (1948) starring Barbara Stanwyck and Burt Lancaster. While on the telephone, an invalid woman overhears what she thinks is a murder plot and attempts to prevent it.

It wasn't too bad; however we were both a little surprised and disappointed with the ending. Won't say why - that would be a spoiler. (grin)

I decided to go to the Lodge (about 2 p.m.) to continue working on the computer. It appears that it is functioning well (how long? ...is anyone's guess); however I could not do what I wanted in the motorhome lacking high speed Wi-Fi.

I planned on re-installing downloads of my "Audible Audio Books" collection. Audible is now run by Amazon. For most people having to download wouldn't be an issue as "Personal Audible Libraries" are available for streaming 24/7 on any device you can access. The "Catch" is that you need the internet. No problem at home - big problem when on the road RVing.

The problem (for everyone) at this time appears to be that the Audible (download) internet site is "down". Amazon must be totally overloaded (or something, to that effect) with the Christmas rush. Or ... maybe some key workers are overloaded. (grin)

My library selections were downloading seamlessly last evening. I completed the 'A' titles. Today, it just kept showing "Download Error, Tap to Resume". I tried again, every so often, while doing other tasks - all with the same result.

Maybe tomorrow, EH! ?

Oh, Well! Only 174 more titles to go. At a few minutes (at the best of times) per title, it still means several hours of work ahead just for this part of the computer reload.

Since we have no other "Earth Shattering" plans for the rest of the evening, I decided to publish today's blog and return to the RV. (Perhaps a game of "Scrabble" or "Quirkle"?).

Being back before 5 p.m. will be a surprise for Charlotte.

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