Thursday, December 14, 2017

Thur - Dec 7/17

Today we borrowed Kat's Honda CRV. We had a lot of items to move to the RV. If we weren't delayed it wouldn't have been such a problem; however, freezing weather dictates what can be stored in the RV. This saved us a number of trips to the Motorhome compared to what the Del Sol could hold.

Nick (Nick's Mobile RV Service)  (and daughter Liz's hubby) finalized the RV prep. We're blessed to have a Master RV Tech in the family to get all ready for departure.

During the day we found time to make a trip to the bank for U.S. $$.

We picked up the last of our 3 months supply of medicine at the Long Sault Pharmacy before closing.

By the end of the day we were ready for bed.

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