Thursday, December 21, 2017

Thu - Dec 21/17

Here we go again. I drove Charlotte to the Craft Room and then I setup the computer in preparation for the call from Microsoft Tech support.

I apologized in advance if I had to answer the phone and explained why I wasn't in the Lodge. (kicked out last time while Yoga was in session).

One of the ladies said she had noticed them leaving and I could probably use the Lodge Wi-Fi now.

I didn't even shut off the computer. I just unplugged, grabbed the case and mouse and carried it (still running) next door.

Microsoft called a few minutes after 9:30 and they once again tried to fix the problem. After an hour the Tech restarted to see if it was fixed. As I predicted, It wasn't.

He called back after an hour and he asked if I would like to do a complete Windows 10 reinstall (latest version) without removal of any programs or files. I agreed.

This process started at 11:30 a.m.

Charlotte arrived at the Lodge by noon. She had placed her sewing machine and bags into the trunk of the Del Sol and came to find me.

I would be here for most of the afternoon. I gave her the key to the motorhome and she headed off through the field (storage area). Remember, I got the last site available which is at the far end; but it's a straight walk from the craft building once you get into the field. Just follow the red line to site #428. The last lot on Primrose (Lane?). Everything (below the line - not showing - is storage area). This is an easy site # to remember. My first years of life were all spent growing up at 428 Fifth St. (until I married Charlotte).

Several folks came in for ice while I waited for the reinstall to complete. I helped one fellow who had an arm in a full sling. I filled his cooler for him. He could now make a few more ice packs for his ailing arm.

By 2 p.m. the reinstall had done it's first restarted and gave the message "...working on updates 54%. Don't turn off you PC. This will take a while. This PC will restart several times".

Then it restarted again.

By 2:15 p.m. it was "...working on updates 75%..., etc." Gee, I might get out of here by suppertime?

At 2:30 the Microsoft Tech called to see how things were going. (Now 87%) He said he would call again in 20 minutes. By then it should be running.

A few minutes after it hit 100%, restarted and I signed in (using the computer fingerprint reader). Then I was greeted by an even bigger set of messages. They had some additional updates to install that would take several minutes. It only took 5.

Then the Tech was back on the computer checking to see how things went. It showed that the updates were "up to date"; however I had seen that several times over the past 2 weeks. When I clicked "Install Updates" it  would reverted to the same problem. I asked the tech to check and he hit the "Check Update" button just to make sure.

We now waited for the results...for several minutes. Then it appeared to be doing the same problem again. When I explained that it would load to 99% and then lock-up he took action. He stopped the update and downloaded and tried a "Standalone" installation of the file that had kept failing. He then proceeded with several operations that I could not perform at my level of expertise and access. He removed some files and recycled others. I waited.

I think I understand what he was doing. He locked out the problem file and proceeded to install others first. Perhaps the order of installation was part of the problem? I was still waiting to see. The program that is reinstalling looked like it will take some time. It was now 3 p.m.

By 3:15 he was trying another restart. My fingers were crossed.

In the meantime, some folks came into the Lodge. I think they were all interested in photography (Club? Eh!). While I was waiting for the restart I did a little eavesdropping. They were talking about making videos "in the old days". It made me grin. I knew just what they were talking about. Vacations often meant I was lugging a "backpack VCR" and carrying a large video camera that was hardwired to it. Now videos can all be done on a Smartphone.

Wow! I actually saw the little blue startup window in less than 10 minutes(Not the usual two hours). It continued loading more updates. (Maybe this will work?) I had to sign in again (fingerprint scanner) and was back on at 3:25.

Then it was time to check updates again. It appears to be working. It showed "Up to Date! It had the same result for a second restart!


For the first time in over a week I will be back at the RV early. I'll know for sure next update session.

After thanking the Tech. I suggested he make a note of the solution as many seemed to have the same problem. He said it was already added to the database. I suggest he sign it "Merecedes - Venz" (grin) as his first name was Venz. I once again expressed my appreciation as 3 other Techs had failed (and used up several hours each). He only took 5 hours and now all appears to be working.

I packed everything up and returned to the motorhome. Charlotte and I discussed going to The Villages for Market Night at Sumter Landing; however we decided to rest up and head out for a full day of exploration tomorrow.

I then made supper. Water boils as fast (or faster) as a microwave using the Induction Cooktop. Tonight's meal was simple - Kraft Deluxe Dinner (not to be confused with K-D). Tapioca pudding was the dessert. All was ready in time to eat while watching Jeopardy.

Later in the evening, Charlotte's sister Catherine called and they caught up on all the happenings in the "Great White North".

Since the computer appears to be working (at least until the next Microsoft Update) and there are no crafts on Friday we will head out and explore tomorrow. At least those are the plans for now.

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