Wednesday, March 09, 2016

Wednesday - 9 Mar/16

Partially cloudy today with temps going up to the 80's F. There is a good breeze; but the winds are warm and the humidity is still low making it another nice day.

Every once in a while the brisk breeze causes the leaves to fall from the Live Oak trees that surround the RV making it sound just like heavy rain on the roof for 3 or 4 seconds.

The name Live Oak" (as opposed to Dead? - grin) comes from the fact that evergreen oaks remain green and "live" throughout winter, when other oaks are dormant and leafless. Live Oaks are widespread in the warmer areas of the Atlantic USA from southeastern VA to FL, along the Gulf (of Mexico) Coast and in Southwest CA and Or.

The original section of OMS has a Live Oak per lot. It seemed like a good idea at the time; however the new sections are treeless. I do believe they discovered the tremendous amount of upkeep required because of the continuous deluge of leaves falling from these trees. The acorns sound like gunshots (especially at night) when they fall 30-40 feet and hit the RV roof - probably not good for Veterans with PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder).

The alarm was set for 7:30 this morning; however when Charlotte fell back asleep I decided not to wake her. We are still on the road to recovery from the cold bug and our activity yesterday wiped us out.

I got up about 9:00 a.m. and spent an hour getting updates for several computer programs. Since I discovered my iPhone could be a Personal Hotspot (and having Unlimited Data) this is an hour long task compared to a day or two using the park Wi-Fi.

Charlotte woke about 10:30. She will do her sewing in the RV today instead of at crafts. We still need to rest.

It is difficult to do nothing. Charlotte made a "Baseball" pillowcase for Marty.

She also covered a few more cushions with the "Route 66" material. Thankfully, after that Charlotte had a nap, which she really needed.

I spent the greater part of the day doing comprehensive virus scans. There was "Good News" and "Bad News". The good news was that only one of the two computers had a single virus and it was a very low level "Trojan" which was removed. The bad news is that comprehensive scans take several hours. #2 computer is scanning now. I will have to do #1 overnight and it will hopefully complete by morning.

The usual TV evening ended the day.

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