Saturday, March 05, 2016

Saturday - 5 Mar/16

My cold is at the "Nuisance" level; however Charlotte's is "Totally Miserable"! Between coughing and nose blowing she got very little sleep through the night. Today we will rest as much as possible.

There is a Craft/Garage Sale in the Rec Hall today from 8 am-2 pm. Now that we are on the "Main Drag" I got to watch the steady procession of folks walking to and from the event - many returning with purchases.

After The Henry Ford's Innovation Nation on CBS we turned to our bank of movies to entertain us throughout the day, starting with Alfred Hitchcock's "Vertigo".

Charlotte slept from the middle of that movie and on through the next three that I put on. It was my hope that the general movie background would keep her sleeping. Thankfully it did - she needed the rest.

We were both to tired to go to the dance in the Rec Hall this evening.

She awoke for a short period and we both finished the day with "Angels and Demons" (Movie). Charlotte was off to sleep just before the end. I made it through, did the blog and joined her shortly thereafter.

We were both in bed before the dance had finished at 10 p.m.

Let's hope that tomorrow we start improving. It would be nice to be able to enjoy the great week of weather coming up.

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