Sunday, March 06, 2016

Sunday - 6 Mar/16

At least Charlotte slept more last night and her throat is not sore this morning. Her voice is still hoarse and the cough is still there; but at least there is improvement. My coughing has lessened and my ribs and stomach muscles are no longer sore. There is hope for us yet!

I just realized that we live on a "Trailer Trashy" street. No! The park is as neat as a pin; however being on the "Main Drag", we get to watch folks take their garbage to the collection area near the front entrance. There is no garbage pick-up at OMS like many parks. They do have a large compactor and recycling bins with a parking area near the park exit.

Many carry only one garbage bag at a time to the dumpster when it gets full. A few also carry their recycling bin (as seen) at the same time. Many make the walk (some as couples) part of their morning ritual. Others "bike the bag" while many take it there on their golf cart.

Many, like us, deliver the goods, or bads (grin) using their car, pick-up or motorcycle as they are on their way out of the park on a day trip. I haven't seen any "Hoodie Goodies" here yet. That is when the bag of garbage is driven to the dumpster on the hood of the vehicle. I presume this is so they won't forget to deliver it (we have) on the way out of the park.

We will start the day watching movies as we continue to rest. We will start with "The Third Man" with Orson Welles as Harry Lime. This movie is no lemon (grin) - often considered by many one of the best movies ever made. Of course, the ploy is for Charlotte to sleep.

Well that didn't work! Charlotte was coughing enough to keep awake.

Next up was "Beetlejuice" - the funniest ghost movie ever! A couple of recently deceased ghosts contract the services of a "bio-exorcist" in order to remove the obnoxious new owners of their house. Watching this meant we will skip the "Ice Cream Social". Although it would have felt good on the throat we were too tired to go.

Another movie did the trick and Charlotte had another nap.

Both in bed again early. We do not wish this cold bug on anyone.

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