Thursday, March 31, 2016

Thursday - 31 Mar/16

Today looks pretty decent. 10% chance of rain (later in the day) and mid-80's F. A few clouds and 60% humidity with a steady breeze.

Charlotte was up and ready; but she decided to pass on going to the Craft Hall this morning. Many of the crafters have already left for home. She will use her sewing machine in the motorhome today.

Folks are preparing for departure shorty by cleaning the leaves off the top of their RV's, dismantling their screen porches or closing the window shields on their "Park Models". This made for more than the normal traffic to the dumpsters as they cleaned up.

Several others were heading to do their laundry before heading home. Others were off to the swimming pool. As usual, there were the walkers, joggers and bikers (pedal power) doing their morning thing.

A drive through the park yesterday revealed about 15-20% have already departed for home. Tentatively, about 2 weeks for us before we plan to depart. Of course, this will depend on the travel weather. Tornados are already hitting in Oklahoma!

My first project was to assemble the new leaf blower/vacuum/mulcher then give it a test run. It even has an over-the-shoulder bag to hold the mulch.

Charlotte tried it. She can't wait to use it at home. It works well!

Next up was adding Velco strips to hold the mat onto the RV step I  made for the entrance. I thought the mat backing would hold it in place; but it does move at times. Problem solved!

Charlotte next finished up a half dozen of the "Pie" Hot Plate Mats.

I spent time organizing loose hardware item boxes. Nuts, screws, washers and bolts (No - that's not a newspaper headline about two crazy people who raped women in a laundry and then ran off - grin) were taken out of their separate packages and put into a larger compartmental container similar to the one I had given Charlotte for her sewing items.

I then prepared 3 smaller containers for Charlotte's later use from the emptied containers. That was the hard part - it took over an hour to get the labels removed. Don't you just hate it when labels do not peel off easily? The effort wore down a few of my fingernails; but I finally got the labels cleaned off.

Charlotte continued working and next completed 4 pillowcases. Two more "Route 66" ones for the motorhome and a pair of "Cat" pillowcases for "Kat" who takes care of our cats when we are down south. (Did you "CAT"ch the theme here?).

The usual TV evening.

We had a busy day without evening leaving the park!

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