Thursday, March 24, 2016

Thursday - 24 Mar/16

Charlotte was off to the Craft Hall for 9 a.m. again today. She has a couple of projects on the go.

I paid some bills on the internet and worked on computer updates. Then I had a nap. I'm still coughing; but not as often. The last two busy days must have caught up to me.

Charlotte returned while I was asleep and had lunch made by the time I awoke.

I continued doing computer work which included planning some going home alternatives in case weather necessitates plan changes.

Charlotte finished the second "Origami Purse" - they're really neat.

She also put the finishing touches on a table runner/centerpiece. Another is cut out and ready to be finished.

Then,  it was Charlotte's turn for a nap. I guess the last two busy days had caught up with her too. It was now my turn to make supper while she slept.

The clouds have now hidden the sun (late afternoon) making it darker than normal. Large storms have already passed north and south of us. This often happens for our location; however we will be having varying degrees of rain for the next four days.
With the temps back into the 80's F I hope it does not get too humid.

Just a TV evening to end the day.

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