Saturday, March 12, 2016

Saturday - 12 Mar/16

Still good weather in the mid-80's F. The humidity is beginning to increase; but the strong breeze is keeping it comfortable.

Charlotte made Cream of Mushroom soup for lunch using half of the mushrooms Tom dropped off yesterday.

After lunch we were off on a quick shopping trip. Charlotte needed zippers for Monday's craft project so our first stop was at JoAnn Fabrics.

Our next stop was Publix as Charlotte needed ingredients to make Potato Salad for the Potluck Supper at 5 p.m. in the Rec Hall. Charlotte likes to add red and green peppers, onions and celery to give the basic salad a "little crunch" and make it tastier than the usual "run of the mill" Deli Potato Salad.

Charlotte went to thank Chris and Tom for the "treat" (muffins and mushrooms) Tom dropped off the other day. They asked us to join them at their table. Their company is always a pleasure.

This was the last potluck for the season. Attendance was only about half; but the there was still a good variety of food. As usual, Charlotte's Potato Salad was all gone when it was time to pick up the bowl after the dinner.

We are hoping (once again) that we are starting to get over the cold bug. My coughing has lessened as has Charlotte's running nose and sneezing. We each have a different version of the virus. We thought that we were on the uphill a few days ago;  but it rebounded on us. Maybe this time?

Nothing else planned for the evening unless we decide to get up (grin) at 2 a.m. to change the time on the clocks. Technically 01:59:59 becomes 3 a.m. Yes, it's DST (Daylight Savings) time again!

The origins of the concept of DST is attribute to Benjamin Franklin who wrote "...if people were to use the six hours of sunlight to do work, they'd require six hours fewer of candles." (Methinks - done in jest).

DST was introduced as a World War I measure to save energy. Farmer's lobbied to have the act repealed after the war. They were successful. I wish they would have had more success with repealing the other "Temporary Measure" known as Income Tax! (grin).

World War II saw a re-introduction of DST. After the war it was cancelled once again.

In 1966, the US Federal Government reintroduced it with observation by states and territories being optional. Arizona (most of), Hawaii, American Samoa, Guam, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands opted out. In 2007 an expansion of DST was introduced and it now runs from mid-March to November.

Some parts of Canada also hold out. Most of Saskatchewan, as well as communities in B.C., northwestern Ontario, Quebec and Nunavut shun daylight time.

Studies whether it saves energy; causes more accidents; increased heart attacks; etc. have been conducted "Ad Nauseam", and have argued incessantly (with proof - right!) for either keeping or abolishing this twice yearly time adjustment.

My choice: Give me the extra hour - and leave it there; forever!

That's it for today - I need to go to bed now!

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