Sunday, March 27, 2016

Sunday - 27 Mar/16

Today is Easter Sunday.

It is the Christian celebration of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead on the third day after his burial (after the Crucifixion).

Easter is also linked to the Jewish "Passover". In many languages, the words for "Easter" and "Passover" are identical or very similar.

Customs associated with Easter that may be observed by both Christians and non-Christians include Egg Hunting, Easter Bunnies and Easter Parades.

CBS Sunday Morning on TV as usual. Then it was time to prepare for Easter Dinner.

An Easter Potluck Dinner was celebrated in the Rec Hall with the largest crowd ever - over 300. Charlotte brought a huge bowl of carrots as our contribution to the event. This is probably the last major park event for the (High) Season as most Snowbirds will be heading homeward soon.

We had the pleasure of sharing our end of the table with Kathy and Tony from Indiana. We had plenty of time for conversation as we were the last table called for going to the Potluck table.

Luckily, there was plenty of food left for us to choose from.

The dessert table also had a large selection although the tastiest had already been picked over.

The rain continues; however again it mostly missed us last night. South of us (Poinciana, FL) there was deluged of hail that was as much as 3.5" thick in places. Wow! The ground looked like a snowstorm had hit there. (No - it didn't make us homesick! - grin).

Today it was cloudy with high humidity (90%) and temps in the 80's F.

We arrived back at the motorhome after the dinner in time to watch the last half of the U.S. College (Girls) National Hockey championship.

Then it was nap time.

Jeopardy and TV round off the evening.

Rain came in the evening around 10 pm; but it was steady and not severe.

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