Thursday, March 03, 2016

Thursday - 3 Mar/16

We went to sleep more exhausted than feeling sick. The symptoms had lessened significantly. Then we were both up in the night (different times) because of our colds. All of a sudden I was stuffed, coughing and my nose and eyes were dripping. It took a while to get back to sleep. This morning both of us awoke with our eyes and nose all "crudded" up; however we were feeling much better than we did in the middle of the night. We hope the virus was in it's "Death Throes" and we are now on our way to recovery.

Charlotte headed to crafts for 9 a.m. as usual. I then started my RV step project.

The site we are currently on has a full slab. The problem is that it has slanted significantly. The RV has Auto-Levelling Jacks meaning the front is now raised several inches to keep the interior floor level. This also means the bottom entry step is now twice the height off the ground it should be! This morning I am working on the solution that I devised.

Tools: Drill(s); Drill bit, "Bramble" RV (Stacking) Levelling Blocks, Plywood (Pressure Treated), Screws, Welcome Mat.

Step #1:

Using a drill bit slightly smaller than the screws I drilled 4 holes  (red circles) in each of 4 RV leveling blocks. Drilling lessens the chances of the blocks splitting.

Step #2:

I placed the 3/4" pressure treated plywood I purchased last night at Home Depot on the table. I had it cut at the store to the exact dimensions of our Welcome Mat. Being pressure treated it should last for years. I lined up the 4 (drilled) blocks up (slightly in from the edges) and the screwed them to the plywood.

I used GRK 8 x 1" cabinet screws. They are approved for treated lumber. They have a washer head giving more support and lessening the chances of pulling through the plastic blocks. The have a "Star" drive head lessening the chances of "stripping". Each box comes with a Star Bit for your drill. The "W" cut thread requires less installation torque and they also have "Easy Start" engineered "Zip Tips". They went in like "Butter".

Step #3:

Add the number of stackable leveller blocks required for the desired step height.

Step #4:

Place the unit (upside down) and tip it into place. The blocks should stay in place if you do it slowly.

Step #5:

Place the Welcome Mat on top.

Bonus: Using the blocks makes the steps totally adjustable. The main unit (3/4" Plywood + 1 layer of blocks) is about 1.5" high. Each block layer adds 3/4". Main Unit + 4 layers = 6.5". The main unit can be stored in a compartment and the remainder of the blocks can be stored in their "Bramble" bag.

The step is now "Charlotte Approved". (Whew! - grin)

We now have a strong, durable step in place making entry and exit much easier and safer. The cost was less than $15 (I had the Bramble blocks). The construction time was less than 15 minutes. Not falling on exit ... Priceless. (another grin)

Charlotte arrived back from Crafts almost an hour early. She was just too tired due to her cold.

Had the pleasure of meeting John, our neighbour on the passenger side of the RV, this morning. I recognized his name from generous donations he has made to park events. They were on our current site for 3 years before moving next door where they have resided for the last 7 years. Like Don, our neighbour on the other side, their lot is immaculate.

At OMS they do not do lawn maintenance like most parks. Here they will loan you a rake, if needed; however normally grass cutting and leaf raking is up to the residents. Staff continuously patrols picking up the piles of leaves left by residents. The "Live Oaks" are continuously dropping leaves so this can be a daily task.

While Charlotte was sleeping I slipped over to Jean's site on our old street (Suwannee) a half block away. Charlotte asked me to bring them a map on how to get to Beasley Mfg. in Center Hill, FL. Jean wants to pick up some nylon mesh fabric like that that Charlotte uses in making her large purses. Crafter's are always helping each other out with "good finds".

Charlotte was still asleep on my return so I made l lunch (Tuna Fish Salad) and place it in the Norcold (refrigerator). It will be ready when she wakes.

After lunch my cold caught up with me and I fell asleep. When I awoke (just in time for Jeopardy) Charlotte was finishing the binding on our "Route 66 T-Shirt Quilt". Another great job!

Hey, Liz sent a pic of Nick's new Dodge Ram Diesel Crew Cab. It was taken halfway to the North Pole. (That's where we live - within a few hundred yards).

My response - Nice Truck!

Charlotte's response - not much snow!

Somehow we didn't see the same thing? (grin).

A pretty sky this evening meaning moisture is coming. We may get a touch of rain during the night.

I have a feeling it will be early to bed this evening. I don't know how we can tear ourselves away from the Republican Presidential Candidate's Debate. We will do it for the good of our health. (grin)

Canadians aren't overly enthusiastic over elections. Federal Elections have to be a minimum of 36 days in length. Many elections only run that long. The longest in modern times being 78 days. Outside of that it is only the last few weeks that really garner much media time. The maximum spending by each party is dictated by law. In most areas any Election Signs, Posters or Ads cannot appear before the official start date of the election and they all are required to be removed immediately after (mostly within 48 hours). Thanks God!

A few locals I have talked to no longer watch regular TV and stick to cable channels because they are sick of being bombarded with political ads and news. In the US campaigning starts literally (covertly) right after the election and increasing exponentially the closer it gets to the election date. Last year and this (to me) have been unbearable with the ads. Only car dealers and lawyers run more TV ads down here. Only murders, robberies, accidents and the weather demand more news time!

Can you imagine how much good the estimate $6 Billion spent for ads would do for a charity?

Rant Over!

As indicated previously, it will be early to bed. So much for the GOP Debate. We need the rest!

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