Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Tuesday - 29 Mar/16

Charlotte was off once again to the Craft Hall for 9:00 a.m. I started on replacing the trunk release cable in the Del Sol shortly after.

I was surprised when she returned about an hour earlier than usual. She had completed today's project which was a mason jar luminary. The inside is lined with a thin paper with a printout of star bursts, etc. It is lit using a mini-candle (battery operated). Just unscrew the top to turn it on or off. It makes a relaxing flickering candle. Neat!

I was working on replacing the trunk cable release when Charlotte returned. Now I know why Mike (my back home (Canada) Honda mechanic) declines this task. It is totally labour intensive which would result in a ridiculous service charge of a hundreds of dollars.

I had previously removed the rear interior of the Del Sol to install the replacement radio antenna and left it out. Most of the rain and thunderstorm alerts were once again going north and south of us giving me a window of 5 or 6 hours to complete the work. I needed 5 of those hours to complete the work.

I did take an 20 minute break for lunch. Charlotte made one of my favourites - Spanish Rice. Yummy!

Charlotte continued finishing up the several extra cutouts she had made of previous projects, She completed 5 more of the microwave plate lifters and was working on the first of several round "Pie" (looking) mats for placing under hot serving dishes. Once again, all neat, as usual.

Finally the trunk release cable was in and working. Time to put the trunk back together.

Then it was time to reinstall the trunk holder's (for the roof) replacement release cover, all the rear panel parts and the driver's seat back into the car.

Just in time! The worst of the storms went around us; but we would be under a steady rain for the evening. Good thing. The 80's F and high humidity took it's toll. I had a nap for a few hours and woke just before Jeopardy. Once again Charlotte made Strawberry Shortcake for supper. Again - a treat!

Charlotte continued working on more of the hot plate mats then on to knitting socks while we watched the usual NCIS Tuesday night double header on TV.

Even though we didn't go anywhere - it was a busy day.

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