Saturday, March 19, 2016

Friday - 18 Mar/16

Charlotte is slowly improving; but I think my cold bug has morphed into something else. I spent yesterday coughing continuously. I fell asleep around 6 p.m. and that was it. That is why the blog didn't get done on time.

Otherwise we both rested yesterday. The rain, like Thursday, went north and south of us.

Charlotte picked up the mail and then went to the office for our "You've Got Mail" delivery. It was the Del Sol manual antenna. It will "fill the hole" while I try to find a mast for the power antenna. If I don't it will not really matter since we never listen to the radio anyway. We just plug in our mp3 player with all our oldies and listen without commercials.

Charlotte also extended our stay until at least April 11th. We will start deciding then on our plans for heading home. We usually take a few weeks and meander around the U.S. visiting places on our trek home.

That was it for yesterday.

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