Thursday, March 10, 2016

Thursday - 10 Mar/16

The alarm went off at 7:30 a.m. to wake Charlotte in time for the morning sewing session in the Craft Hall. Like yesterday we decided to roll over and get a little more rest. It is almost like the cold bug has "Boomeranged" on us.

The extra rest helped. In the afternoon Charlotte became restless and made a series of tea towels.

One for daughter Liz, one for daughter Kat...and one for herself. All really neat. Then we both had a nap,

A bonus of our new location is that we get to "Drool" over all the Big Rigs that pass by on their way to the park's "Rally Area". At least a dozen passed by today.

Charlotte walked up to the office to pick up tickets for tonight's Cahal Dunne "Proud to be Irish" show at 7 p.m. in the Rec Hall. The large high pressure area that has given us a week of great weather brought the temps up to 86 F. The light breeze and dry area made it a really comfortable day.

People were starting to go to the Rec Hall and hour before the Cahal Dunne (Irish Translation: Charlie Brown) show to get a good seat up front. We were fortunate enough to share a table with Tom and Chris, good neighbours from our old street. We are the same distance away from their site, just in a different direction. We actually have a better view than before of their RV. We also discovered that half the park has had the cold bug and the other half is getting it.

Cahal Dunne is a singer, songwriter, storyteller and comedian. Most of all he is an entertainer.

In 1974 he graduated from the University College of Cork with a Bachelor of Music degree. Two years later he represented Ireland in the Yamaha World Song Contest. In 1979 he won Ireland's National Song Contest with his song "Happy Man". In Ireland this was akin to winning today's "American Idol". This earned him entry into the International Eurovision Music Contest in Israel. This is the same contest that helped launch Celine Dion and Abba.

Despite being the nephew Ireland's former Prime Minister Jack Lynch he, like others, was suffering in the country's recession in the 1980's. He decided not to remain in Ireland as a school teacher and immigrated to the USA to pursue his dream of being an entertainer.

The show, which involved several costume (jacket) changes, was a mixture of his talents.

He started with "Irish" and progress through several genres from Classical to Country,

Doo Wop to Blue-eyed Soul, Ragtime to Rock and Roll and almost everything in between.

The music, songs, stories and humour flowed naturally. He had the audience join in on several songs which they did enthusiastically.

The show ended with an emotional tribute to 911 that Cahal wrote a few days after the disaster. The evening was over all too soon.

We were back to the motorhome in time to end the evening watching "Elementary" on TV (in bed). The TV is on timer. It will surely put us to sleep before the end of the show.

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