Saturday, March 19, 2016

Saturday - 19 Mar/16

This is our 12th day in a row with temps over 80 F.  It will be overcast all day.

Charlotte and I rested all day. Charlotte made a really tasty Minestrone Soup (homemade) while I had a nap. Lunch was at 3 p.m. when I woke up.

On again, off again light rain throughout the afternoon. Heavier may occur during the night and early morning hours.

We watched the X Games from Oslo, Norway. No, that's not a porn film (grin) - the X stands for Extreme (Sports). Featured today were snowboarding and skiing as well as skateboarding. There is nothing else worth watching on TV unless you are a Final Four basketball fan.

I managed to stay awake for Jeopardy; but that was only because it is on at 5:30 on Saturday. Then I had another nap.

Charlotte continued knitting socks.  I did the blog (on time today) when I awoke at 8 p.m.

Then it was TV until bed time.

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