Monday, March 21, 2016

Monday - 21 Mar/16

The first full day of spring is going to be a cold one - relatively speaking. It will be clear and sunny starting with temps in the 50's F. It will warm up to the 70s F by late afternoon. It will drop to the 40's F tonight.

Egg Muffins for lunch since we both slept in this morning. Our colds are slowly improving; however we still get tired quite easily and needed the rest.

A steady flow of "Born Free" Class C RV's flowed by today - all going to the rally area.

Charlotte went to crafts today. She was not doing today's craft. She just needed extra screws for a purse. No luck - that crafter wasn't there today.

Charlotte returned to work on the new bag (large purse) that she started planning yesterday. Another job well done - as usual.

My mission today was to install the manual antenna on the Del Sol. The electric antenna was a straight bolt in. The manual antenna required getting the exact length and position for the attachment arm aligned and set. This was compounded by the top end piece not being attached. It took a few attempts to get all three pieces in the correct position. Finally it was all in and tested for reception. All OK. It will be there for a long time unless I can find an antenna mast for the electric antenna.

A UPS internet check showed our package had been delivered. A mail box visit revealed a "You've Got Mail" card which we knew would be there. It wasn't; but Charlotte checked the at the park office and picked up the Weathertech mats for the Del Sol. They are custom made and car specific guaranteeing a perfect fit. Quite nice.

We are now wiped out. We will rest watching the usual TV programs this evening.

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