Thursday, March 17, 2016

Thursday - 17 Mar/16

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Today everybody is Irish! Today in Canada, the United States, Australia, Great Britain and of course Ireland there is a lot of wearing (and drinking) green (beer) in commemoration of the traditional birthdate (c. AD 385) of the patron saint of Ireland - St. Patrick.

Charlotte was off to sewing this morning. I slept in until 11 a.m. She finished the final last two (the open ones) of three purses. They are really neat.

I spent the afternoon trying to locate the Del Sol parts (antenna mast and Trunk Release Cable) that I require. These parts are no longer available from Honda. No luck online either. Not unexpected for a 21 year old auto. I will devise an alternate solution.

Weather is such a big part of the TV news that they often make "mountains out of mole hills". With the last two weeks of great weather and virtually identical forecasts the weather broadcasts have been talking about the probability of the coming rain for days. It didn't  rain today (20% chance). It was just cloudy. The storms went north and south of us with as much as 3" of rain in areas. Our best chances of rain will be Saturday (late afternoon) and Sunday (morning).

Charlotte and I will continue resting today. We still cough occasionally; however, we hope we are on the road to recovery from the cold bug. It has been a longer time than usual. We suspect we have had two variations - one after the other.

I had an afternoon nap. Charlotte continued knitting another pair of socks.

Just a TV day and evening today.

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