Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Wednesday - 23 Mar/16

Charlotte was off to the Craft Hall for 9 a.m.

By 9:20 a.m. I had received a phone call from Bryan of Central Florida Auto Salvage in Zephyrhills, FL. The Del Sol parts I had ordered yesterday were ready for pickup. Now that's fast!

Charlotte returned from the Craft Hall with a completed baseball motif pillowcase. Nice job!

She had also completed one (of two) origami purses she is currently working on. They are called "Origami" because of the way they are folded. Neat!

Just before 1 p.m. we headed out. Before leaving the park we stopped at the Office. I paid this month's electric bill while Charlotte checked with Julie on materials required for next week's craft class.

Our Primary Mission was to return to Zephyrhills, FL to pick up the ordered car parts. I'm still impressed with their quick service.

I took a different route today. My plan was to go through Center Hill, FL so I could surprise Charlotte with a stop at Beasley Mfg. Inc. It took about 45 minutes to get to their location. I wanted Charlotte to have a good supply of the nylon mesh type material she uses to make the large (bag) purses.

The staff here were so helpful. All the cut pieces were rolled up into one huge roll. It was too large for the trunk; however we were able to load it into the Del Sol through the (electric) rear window. Charlotte now has yards and yards of mesh in more than a dozen colours for future projects.

We then headed off towards our primary mission stop: Central Florida Auto Salvage in Zephyrhills. It also was a 45 minute ride. Bryan was again an excellent help and we were soon on our way back with the parts I had ordered.

The return trip would take an hour and a half. It was a virtual repeat of yesterday's return complete with the treat of the wonderful orange blossom fragrance. Needless to say, we didn't see the full moon as it was mid-afternoon (grin).

We stopped at the JoAnn Fabrics in Tavares, FL so Charlotte could pick up some materials required for next week's craft project. JoAnn did not have all the items necessitating an additional stop.

Our next stop, Hobby Lobby was in Mt. Dora. There Charlotte completed the material list and found some additional patterned material for a different project.

It was now after 6 p.m. I knew I had to do my duty and pulled into Chili's for supper. We slowed the completion of our meal by a few minutes because we could see that we would be driving back into a beautiful; but blinding sunset. We left just as the sun set and arrived back at the RV park (OMS) just before dark.

Bonus: A bag and note were attached to the RV entry door grab handle. Jean, a fellow crafter, left two lovely pieces of material as a thank you for material Charlotte had previously given her. Crafters are nice that way!

We've had another busy day and since we are not completely over fighting our colds it wiped us out.

Bedtime will be a little earlier tonight.

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