Friday, March 04, 2016

Friday - 4 Mar/16

We both slept in this morning. This cold bug is miserable. Just when you think things are getting better it stages a new attack. Charlotte went through a small box of Kleenex during the night. Her latest version of the cold is a running nose and coughing while mine is just the coughing.

Despite the misery we tried to enjoy the great weather (a second week of nothing but sunshine coming up) and went out this afternoon to Mt. Dora for the "Fan"tastic Quilt Show.

There were almost 200 unique quilts on display along with many vendors. Everything from Quilt Appraisal to Scissor Sharpening were available. Technique Demonstrations along with a Silent Auction, Craft Auctions, Quilt Sales and a Fashion Show occurred throughout the day.

I dropped Charlotte off at the main door and located a parking spot. Three moves later I was parked in a position from which I could watch the front entrance. This would allow me to pick Charlotte up on her exit.

While waiting I noticed a procession of autos with purple door top flags arriving at the entrance. They would leave and then return again and again. I could see initials on the flags which I assumed to mean the Lake County Quilters Guild (Sponsors of the show) When a driver parked next to me in the parking lot I inquired.  They were a volunteer shuttle service for the show. We joked about knowing where every Quilt and Fabric shop was located within hundreds of miles.

I had the pleasure of having a conversation with one of the drivers - a real live Liverpudlian (native of Liverpool, UK). We talked for several minutes while he waited for "his spot" to come up in the shuttle line. FYI: We talked cars - not quilts.

Charlotte bought tickets for the Silent Auction and also found a few "Tea Towel Kits". She enjoyed every minute of her 2.5 hours of "Quilt Browsing". Charlotte was also looking for "Wine Themed" material; but was not successful in her quest.

A stop after the show at Hobby Lobby did not yield any "Wine Themed" material; however she did find other material. As I often say; "If you see it and like it - get it! It's cheaper than gas!" (Compared to going back later; finding it is no longer available and searching several other locations without any luck).

Our next stop was Chili's for an early supper. Charlotte was still talking about the beautiful quilts and the terrific Silent Auction Baskets an hour after the show.

We then headed back to the motorhome in time for the early evening news followed by Jeopardy and the remainder of our regular TV evening.


This is "Bike Week" in Daytona. A half million bikers are expected for the event's 75th Anniversary. Guess where we aren't going for the next 10 days?

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