Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Tue - Jan 23/18

On and off rain all through the night. It will continue for most of the day this way.

Tuesday is Crafts at the MPR. There was a large crowd today for the "Quillow" project. (Quillow is a quilt that folds out of a pillow (or a quilt that folds up into a pillow - take your choice - grin).

As usual I went next door to use the Lodge Wi-Fi. Each Quillow maker has 2 yards of material to stretch out so tables in the MPR were at a premium today.

I continued researching the Dash Cam info online.

Lawrence arrived and I gladly helped him get online. The wonderful thing about RV life is that you meet the most friendly and interesting folks. Although Lawrence is an American (CT) his ancestry traces back to the founding of New France. His relatives were among the original settlers in Quebec City, QC sent over by the King of France. They were actually members of the administrative personnel sent to govern the new colony. His lineage also includes Toussaint Charbonneau, a Quebecois Trapper and the husband of Sacagawea, who both were instrumental in the success of the Lewis and Clark Expedition which was the first american exploration team to reach the Pacific.

Lawrence then joined the cribbage players while I continued researching dash cams.

Charlotte arrived about noon, we checked the P.O. mailboxes and then departed for the Main Rec Hall to see if the info for Canada Day had been posted yet. It had. Naturally, I took a pic with my cell phone to remember the site #s while Charlotte put our name on the "Sign-Up Sheet". Then we were off to purchase the event tickets.

After going up and down the rows the first number from the picture that we located was the site of Donna Chambers (#146). Donna resides in Kingston, about 2 hours west down Hwy 401 from where we live. She is one of organizers of Canada Day. Donna brought me up to date on one of the requirements of the celebration. In addition to introducing ourselves (always done) we will have to place a pin on a map locating our home town and then say a few words about our town and ourselves. It sounds like a fun time already.

Next we went to the motorhome for a quick lunch. Charlotte remained in the RV after lunch to work on finishing her Quillow (Cat Fabric). I departed again to use the Wi-Fi. This time I went to the MPR. Despite reading info from many sites and watching several YouTube Videos the choice issue has only become more clouded.

I returned after Dr. Phil (4 p.m.) to pick up Charlotte to go to Publix. She had finished the Quillow. Great work as always. It stores in a pocket to make a pillow.

Then, when pulled out it makes a quilt and the pocket becomes a place to put your feet and keep them cozy.

We rested for a bit then departed at sunset (near 6 p.m. down here now) for Publix for our usual PowerBall and MegaMillions tickets and a few needed items. We called back to Canada to wish a best friend (Helene) a Happy Birthday (...and many more). Charlotte continued catching up on things with Helene as I went in to shop.

Each week I always pick up a "Woman's World" for Charlotte as well as the few items we came for. I also remembered to pick up a Publix Key Lime Pie. We didn't have room for a piece of key lime pie yesterday when we ate at Eaton's Beach. Today I fulfilled that need.

Publix, being only 5 minutes from OMS, meant we were back in time for the ABC Evening News followed by Jeopardy. Charlotte continued watching TV and I returned to the MPR to continue my quest for a dash cam replacement for the unit I just returned to Best Buy.

I'm more confused about the dash cam. I have checked out over a dozen Top Dash Cam lists and each one has different choices. I will be doing this again tomorrow. For now I will publish the blog and call it a night.

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