Thursday, January 11, 2018

Thu - Jan 11/18

Today is another sauna. It will reach 80 F or above with almost 100% humidity. The same for tomorrow when another cold front drops everything to 60 F or below during the day. The lack of sunshine due to the overcast conditions will at least make it bearable.

There was a large group at the MPR for sewing so I passed on going there with the computer to use the Wi-Fi. I did not want to tie up an electrical outlet. Since I could not enter the Lodge until 10 p.m. because of the Do Not Enter! sign (Yoga going on) I decided to squeegee off the car which was totally covered with drops of water as if I had just hosed it down.

There was a golf meeting scheduled for 10 a.m. in the Lodge. As usual, folks arrived early. They suffered the same fate I did when they forgot to put up the "Do Not Enter" sign.  They were promptly told to leave. Who knew? I thought all Yogists (is that a word?) were pacifists. (grin)

There were at least 3 dozen in attendance for the Golf Meeting. I just sat in my usual spot on the side and went about my "Wi-Fi" business. The meeting lasted a half hour. They decided on where to hold 4 tournaments for the OMS golfers. (2 in February and 2 in March) The meeting ended and it was time to sign up. In 45 minutes all was done and I was alone in the Lodge except for the meeting organizer. Good thing he stayed as one person arrived at 11 a.m. for the meeting. There is always one who gets the time wrong.

As usual, Charlotte finished at noon and we returned to the motorhome for lunch. After lunch we made a quick trip to Lowe's in Mt. Dora to pick up a few items. We then returned to the RV to relax until it was time to get ready for this evening's show at OMS.

We have tickets for the Dave and Daphne Show tonight. They are a Nashville based duo who will be performing in the Main Rec Hall starting at 7 p.m. This, of course, means we will have to be there by  6:30 to get a seat. Tickets are a reasonable $10 each and OMS provides beer, sodas and snacks. These events are always packed. Wally and Linda really make an effort to get great acts for the park. They often have to book a year in advance to get groups during the Prime Winter Season as they are in competition with RV parks all across the Southern USA. We have not been disappointed with any of their choices so far.

Dave (Salyer) has toured the world with Barbara Mandrell, performed for Presidents at the White House and appeared on countless TV shows. His guitar playing skills are legendary and has received accolades from greats like Roy Clark.

Daphne (Anderson) has toured with some of the best Gospel Groups in the country. The Southern Gospel Music Association voted her Female Vocalist of the Year. She has been described as a cross between Shania Twain and Patsy Cline. On top of all that - she can yodel!

I am sure we will enjoy the show; however since it may run until 10 p.m., after which the buildings with Wi-Fi access will be closed. I will publish today's blog early.


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