Saturday, January 13, 2018

Sat - Jan 13/18

Today and the next week will be cool again. 60's F during the day and 30's F at night. The good news is that there will be no rain.

We decided to just relax today. Charlotte worked on her knitted quilt while I tweaked a few of my computer program designs that I was working on.

This lasted until mid-afternoon when we went out to return an item to Target. The TV convert that could also play movies from a USB thumb drive decided it would stop abruptly if a movie was longer than 120 minutes. The Ematic company, although they had a website for sales, really offered no support or contact for their product. I was hoping that a firmware update would solve the problem; however with no support available I decided to return the unit to Target. They refunded my money without a problem.

Charlotte then decided that she wanted to check for buttons required for an upcoming project. Hobby Lobby was just down the road. I parked in my usual spot and Charlotte went in to check the button selection. She returned empty-handed (unusual for a trip to Hobby Lobby).

I offered to continue on to JoAnn. She accepted and we ventured on. She found a button set that matched a pack she already had. She purchased the last three button packs available.

Since it was after 5 p.m. and a favourite restaurant was only a few minutes "down the road", I made an offer. She accepted (she's no fool!).

Charlotte enjoyed a wide variety of Sushi that was available.

I settled on a little bit of everything. Hot and Sour soup, broccoli, spinach, string beans and snow peas for veggies, Pineapple Shrimp and Lemon Butter Shrimp, a few small pieces of each of the several types of Chicken dishes and Buttered, as well as Stuffed Mushrooms. Speaking of "Stuffed" - we were.

We made it back to the motorhome in time for Jeopardy. We both got the final Jeopardy answer: "Jack Kerouac". I then departed to do this evening's blog. Several golf carts were outside the MPR so I went to the lodge where several folks were playing cards.

Less than an hour later I was back at the RV for a night of TV.

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