Thursday, January 18, 2018

Thu - Jan 18/18

Well - there goes my theory about Yoga switching to the Main Rec Hall. The "Do Not Enter" sign was back up today. I went into the MPR with my computer; but not until after I drove Charlotte to the Office to pick up the key for the cupboard that stores the ironing equipment, etc. The usual key "picker-upper" was not coming to quilting today. The men (for Wi-Fi) almost equaled the women here for quilting. After an hour the men were outnumbered 4 to 1.

We had a "Hard Freeze" last night. It was down to 20 F this morning. One quilter didn't make it. She had to tend to her trailer because of a burst water pipe. Folks (who water plants) were advised to unhook their "watering hose"; but she disconnected the main hose by mistake and a pipe froze and burst. We just leave our taps drip overnight.

 Today all the Snowbirds were wearing the winter coats they left home with.

There was also a lot of extra traffic through the MPR this morning. The large garage door is usually always open during the day giving access to the other section of this building. There folks can exercise, play ping-pong or pickleball, use the washroom or wash their dogs (special tub). The door remained down this morning because of the cold leaving the only entry through the MPR.

The quilters are a friendly group of ladies. The often help each other out and share appreciation of the projects of others. By way of sharing Charlotte found out that "Hobby Lobby" had the double sided "heat bond" backing that JoAnn didn't carry.

Yesterday Charlotte spent all morning cutting the material for her "Carry-All" for patterns and materials. Today she continued work on her next quilt. It is also a "Lighter" quilt both in colour and thickness.

Everyone scooted outside after someone opened the door and announced "The blimp is passing overhead". By the time Charlotte and I made it outside from the far end of the room we had to go to the end of the building to see it. It was too far away by then to make out the name. I tried "Zooming" the picture; but it was too grainy to make the name clear. I do know this wasn't a "Goodyear" blimp.

We have seen the (older) "Goodyear" Blimp overhead several times over the years as it traveled to (or from) important events where it was used for overhead TV shots. We have seen this blimp many times either near or at one of its bases (OH, CA and FL) or flying by past our home or other places in Canada and all over the USA. We have also seen the smaller "FUJI" Blimp in CA (San Francisco).

Spoiler: Technically Goodyear does not have "Blimps" anymore. The originals have all been retired. The last was deflated almost a year ago. What they now have are semi-rigid airships(2): Wingfoot 1 and 2. One is based in FL and the other in CA. Both craft are outfitted with LED sign technology which allows it to display bright, multi-colored, animated words and images. The new airships are both 246 feet long (52 feet longer) and slimmer than the older blimp. It is also faster @ 70 miles per hour vs 50 and seats 12 vs 7. Bonus: The new gondola also contains a restroom.

On the way back inside I detoured to the Post Office next door and checked our mailbox. We had 2 "You've Got Mail" notifications which meant a trip to the office for pick-up. I was expecting 2 deliveries.

We had to avoid a "Road Hazard" on the way to the office. Once there Charlotte return the "Cupboard Key" to the Office and picked up our "Package".Despite getting 2 notifications there was only 1 package. It was my Keurig K-cup order from Green Mountain Coffee Roasters. We should get another package (from home) in a few days.

Then to the motorhome. Charlotte spread her quilt on the bed to see how it looked. I think it looks great! (as did other quilters at the MPR).

We watched TV until the end of Dr. Phil. We the departed in the Del Sol with the top off for JoAnn. Despite not quite reaching 60 F today the sunny skies meant we were comfortable. Charlotte needed another package of quilt batting (at 50% off).

This picture is from the Dash Cam along the Lakeshore Drive in Eustis, FL. This is the way we go most often to JoAnn. I copied it from the ThinkWare PC program on my computer tonight. I can view all in 1 minute segments. I have all the controls on the video screen which also shows the time and speed as well as the location co-ordinates.

It has good definition and clarity. Notice the Dollar General sign. On a computer the Full Screen View will easily show licence plates on vehicles.

It also records sound as we travel. (I better not swear at other drivers, EH!) A "&#@%  Driver" yesterday crossed the road directly in front of me. They could not be seen (or see me) due to the heavy traffic. They crossed the road blindly less than 20 feet in front of me. If I had hit them it would have been recorded. I was driving really slowly and was able to stop in time. This is the reason we now have a Dash Cam. We hope we never need it for an accident; but better to have it then wish we did.

This picture is coming back to the motorhome. Our model of Bounder is one of the few motorhomes that I have ever seen that has reflective stripes (the brighter white areas).

There are plenty of "Idiot Drivers" down here. Yesterday one went right through an intersection even though an Ambulance was at the stoplight with full lights and sirens. Luckily, the EMT was watching as apparently the other driver either wasn't (or just didn't care).

Hobby Lobby was our next stop for the Double-Sided Heat Bonding fabric that JoAnn didn't carry. (Charlotte bought single sided there yesterday.)

We then proceeded to Publix for various grocery items. We usually look for BOGO's (Buy One, Get One -  Free) items when we shop. Savings today - almost $35 with a total cost of $85.

We made it back to the motorhome in time for the ABC Evening News followed by Jeopardy. I stayed until after Evening Edition (Charlotte's new 7:30 p.m. TV choice over Family Feud) before departing for the MPR to do the blog. There was only folks at one table tonight as the Main Rec Hall had a schedule "Game Night" going on this evening. Just to other "Wi-Fi" folks entered and came while I typed away.

No plans yet for tomorrow.

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