Saturday, January 06, 2018

Sat - Jan 6/18

This is retired day!

With the cool weather continuing until Monday when it will start to climb back up towards 70 F we decided to not go out until it was Showtime.

We relaxed (Charlotte knitted) until it was time to get ready for our trip to The Villages for the 5th. Dimension concert at 5 p.m. I usually try to get the early concert time if there is a choice. We don't want to be out past our bedtime. (grin)

We arrived south a month later than originally planned; however I was still able to get decent seats for most of the concerts.

Florida State law prohibits any group (in particular - Oldies) to perform under a group name unless there is at least one original member performing as part of the group. In this case Florence LaRue, the lead female singer, was that member. Others are (L-R behind Flo) Willie Williams, Patrice Morris,  Leonard Tucker and Floyd Smith.

Their 1967 hit "Up, Up and Away" turned out to be one of the biggest smash hits in musical history. Tonight the sang all their great hits which included (as well as the aforementioned) "One Less Bell To Answer", "Wedding Bell Blues", "Stone Soul Picnic", "Last Night I Didn't Get To Sleep" and "Aquarius/Let The Sun Shine In" (All Platinum hits.)

Their "High Energy" show was fantastic and totally enjoyed by the sellout crowd at the Savannah Center. Florence belies the fact that she will be 76 years old next month. Her energy and voice is that of a teenager - as are the voices of the whole group. Spontaneous applause broke out often in appreciation of their robust renditions. Many bass singers can hit low notes; however I have never heard any with as natural and pure a sound as Floyd.

After the show we headed immediately to Chili's for supper. As usual, being it was Saturday night in The Villages, all the restaurants were packed. After a short wait we were seated and ordered our usual fare.

Charlotte had the freshly prepared Tableside Guacamole. Being freshly prepared she can opt out of the Jalapenos and get extra lime. She had a Arnold Palmer to drink.

I ordered the Texas Cheese Fries (also without the Jalapenos) with a Coke Zero.

We both took half of our order home with us.

Although we took the shorter "Back Road" to the show we returned to OMS by US-441. Most of the return trip is multi-lane (6)and well lit at night. This makes it much safer.

I dropped Charlotte at the motorhome and scooted over to the MPR getting the blog done just before the 10 p.m. closing.

Another cold night in store. We have no plans yet for tomorrow.

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