Tuesday, January 02, 2018

Tue - Jan 2/18

Yesterday was a dull, rainy day. Today - cold; but at least less chance of rain.

The RV is still covered with the remains of yesterdays moisture. It will take a while to dry off.

Breakfast this morning was once again toast from the Yalaha Bakery bread as well as the last of our dessert ...a chopped nut covered loganberry cheesecake. Needless to say, it was a decadent way to start the day.

Our new neighbours are on the move. With rain (since they arrived) I didn't get a chance to meet them until they were leaving. They parked in front of us to hook up their toad. (Car in Tow). They were off to the Kissimmee, FL area and had just stopped in for a few days to say "Hi" to their friends (the folks with "Minnie, the Cat")  that were on the row just behind us.

I then was off to the Lodge to try to get the pictures off the iPhone. There were folks playing cribbage. At one point they were all excited as a player scored a "29" which is a "Million-to-1" hand in cribbage. Other then that the hall was fairly quiet except for one maintenance person and another who came in to use the Wi-Fi. They all left before I managed to solve the iPhone problem.

By noon; however I managed to get all working again. I added photos to yesterdays blog and started today's entry (up to here). Then I returned to the RV to warm up yesterday's supper. It was Spanish Rice (with a twist), We were out of "Diced Tomatoes" and only had "Crushed Tomatoes". It still tasted fine; but was a more unified ingredient variation.

Change of plans when I got back to the motorhome. The custom pull-out pantry I had made last year had a malfuction of it's top slide. The bottom double slide was working just fine. The top slide somehow lost it's ball bearings and  disconnecting from the top. It was now loose and tipped. S

uddenly I lost my appetite and wasn't hungry for lunch.

I set about unloading the panty and began trying to solve the dilemma. I then spent the afternoon taking it all apart and trying to put it back together again. I discovered that an end cap that was designed to keep the ball bearing track from extending past the end was disconnecting and the ball bearings were exiting their holder and going every which way on the floor.

Charlotte was a great help. She spent a lot of time on the floor with a flashlight searching for the ball bearings. She found all but a few. It's amazing how they bounce and roll into the oddest places.

I took the pantry out of its slot in the wall.

Then I had to take the front panel off and remove the top slide attachment. It took a while to figure out where all the parts that fell off went and get everything back together. Hopefully the end cap will stay in place. At least for a while.

It was then time to re-insert and reloaded the pantry with all the groceries stacked on the kitchen table.

Now, at least it is back in the top slide and sitting level.

We both skipped lunch and were now too tired to eat. We decided to rest for a bit. Charlotte and I watched Jeopardy. Then, as Part 1 of of our "Eat Out" plan we were off to Publix to buy tickets for the two big lotteries - each now over $400 million. Part 2 was to have supper at Burger King right next door in the same plaza as Publix. We each order 2 cheesebergers, fries and a drink for $3.49 - the best deal in town.

Then it was back to the RV. I dropped off Charlotte and went to the MPR to do the blog.

I'm beginning to wonder about Windows 10. Suddenly it started as if it was the initial startup. I even had to set up Windows Outlook from the beginning in order to get our email. At least then it still appeared to be working OK.

I then had no luck on getting the phone pictures for today from iCloud; however I plugged it in with a USB that I grabbed from the car and was able to download today's photos to the computer. At least that works.

Now I was able to finish the blog by adding pictures. Good thing. It was now 10 p.m. and they would be here any minute to close the building for the night.

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