Saturday, January 20, 2018

Sat - Jan 20/18

The good news is it's warming up in Fl. The bad news is it's warming up in FL. Because we are from Canada 70 F is just fine with us; but it will soon be heading for the 80's F.

Today we planned to relax until it was time for the Chinese Auction in the Main Rec Hall. Then I got the bright idea that because of the auction the Laundry Room wouldn't be crowded during that time. Off we left about 11:30 for the laundry.

My assumption was correct. The Laundry Room wasn't crowded. I was able to get 3 washers in a row. It was almost redundant that I marked them with the Magnetic Ladybugs that I made when we regularly RVed in AZ for the winter. They were more useful there. There the RV parks ranged from several hundred to a few thousand sites with large laundry rooms to match. There the laundry rooms were always crowded and the available machines were usually never together. With 50-60 machines it was easy to forget which ones our clothes were in. Rarely at OMS have the machines we used been split up.

We had debated on getting a washer and drier (combo unit) for the motorhome; but decided against it. I like the laundry room better. We can do a few weeks of laundry very quickly by using 3 or 4 machines at the same time.

While I did the laundry the Chinese Auction was going on down the hall in the Main Rec Room. A Chinese Auction is when prizes are set out on tables with ticket containers (in this case little brown paper bags) and folks place tickets in the bags designated for the item(s) they wish to win. Tickets are purchased by the sheet. The buyer keeps the top of the sheet as it is the Master Number. The tickets (usually 10) on each sheet that are torn off and deposited by the participant into the prize bags. You may insert 1 or as many tickets as you wish into each bag. You may also purchase as many ticket sheets as you wish as well.

The auction ran from 12 (noon) until 2 p.m. Folks went from item to item on the several tables and deposited their tickets. I sent Charlotte to do this while I tended to the laundry.

Then, at 2 p.m. the drawings began. Participants (a few hundred) sat around the perimeter of the display tables. The participant with the number drawn stood and raised their hand and the prize was brought to them. It took about an hour and a half to call all the prize numbers.

I sat with Charlotte for at the start of the draw then returned to the laundry room where I transferred the clothes from the washers to the dryers. By then a few other folks had arrived to do laundry. I am sure I could have found the dryers I was using even without the Ladybugs (grin).

While waiting I scooted over to the Office to pick up tickets for the upcoming park events. Jimmy Smith (Remembering the Legends) show tickets and tickets for the UFD (Umatilla Fire Dept.) Spaghetti Dinner were available. The staff at OMS are always so friendly and helpful. I have been to no other park that compares and we have been to many all over the USA and Canada.

I completed the laundry, folded all and put all four hampers in the trunk of the Del Sol (I told you it has a big trunk). I then joined Charlotte for the last 15 minutes of the auction. Unfortunately, she wasn't lucky. Once she was 2 away from winning a Disney item. The winning person was 2 seats from her and the winning ticket number was 2 away from her ticket. That was just 2 much! (grin).

Note: All prizes are donated and all proceeds go to charity (Food Bank and Veterans).

In an effort to cheer Charlotte up (just kidding - I'll use anything for an excuse for a ride and meal) I offered supper out - her choice. Tonight she decided on Italian. We were then off to the Olive Garden in Leesburg, FL.

Charlotte and I both decided to create our own pasta. Charlotte decided on Angel Hair Pasta w/Parmesan Pesto Sauce and Meatballs. My choice was Cavatappi Pasta w/Asiagio Garlic Alfredo Sauce and Italian Sausage. We both chose salad rather than soup to go with the pre-meal breadsticks. Our meal was excellent except that we only half enjoyed it – Ooops! – Correction: I should have said we only enjoyed half of it (grin). As usual, we took half of our meal home.

We arrived back at the RV in time for the ABC Evening News and Jeopardy. Charlotte continued knitting and watching TV while I departed to the MPR to do the blog.

As I was finishing the blog the cleaners arrived.  They even spent time after vacuuming and sweeping to check the floor for pins and needles (accidentally dropped during quilting sessions). I suggested they get a mop with a magnet. All of OMS is spotless because of the excellent effort of the staff. It is not only the washrooms that are that way.

I previously had mentioned the "Purell" units in each hall for hand sanitation; however I didn't realize that every night the tables tops are sanitized (Lysol) in an effort to lessen the chance of folks getting the flu (etc.). OMS really cares for it residents!

No events or plans yet for tomorrow.

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