Friday, January 05, 2018

Fri - Jan 5/18

Still freezing at night so I left the water running in the bathroom sink. I made sure to use both the hot and cold taps so all lines would be circulating.

Today was partly cloudy with not as much wind. Despite the sunshine the temps just got above 50 F. Tomorrow promises to be warmer. This was a good day to relax. We are trying hard to remember we are retired and we are allowed to do very little.

I let Charlotte view the several quilt knitting patterns I downloaded yesterday. She picked one she liked and I printed it out. Then we were off to JoAnn for more wool and the correct size of needles.

On the return we stopped at the Country Store just before OMS. The "Big Orange" there originally sat off U.S. Hwy 441 when it arrived in 1971. At that time more than 130,000 acres were dedicated to citrus farming. Now, less than 10,000 acres of the Lake County's rolling hills bear citrus. 

It later became a forlorn symbol of the changing way of life. Winter freezes and the constant pressure for development led to the "Big Orange" being pushed back into the woods south of Renninger's in Mount Dora. There it was relegated to stay until it was acquired by Sunsational Citrus in Umatilla  and restored it to its former glory. It now sits outside their Country Store on SR-19. 

Olde Mill Stream RV Resort (OMS) touches the boundaries of Sunsational Citrus. OMS itself was once home to orange groves until weather took the crops and profits. It was then sold and converted to an RV park.

They have great orange flavoured soft ice cream at the Country Store. We have had that in the past; however the "Orange Float" was our choice for today. It was so refreshing. Charlotte also purchased a jar of Blueberry Salsa after we did a sampling.

Neither of us were in the mood for a big supper this evening so the Blueberry Salsa along with chips, dip and crackers would become our snacks while watching evening TV.

Since there would be no other major events today I went to the MPR to publish the blog and get back before Jeopardy.

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