Friday, January 26, 2018

Fri - Jan 26/18

Today was practice day for Tornado (or Hurricane) Emergency procedures.

The person who had our phone number (and name) for emergency calls phoned at 8:53 a.m. to inform us of the 10 a.m. practice time and procedure. By then we already had our usual cereal breakfast.

We left the motorhome to walk to the Lodge which was our designated emergency shelter. The walk took about 10 minutes. The Main Rec Hall was “Pet Free” so I chose the Lodge so we could at least be entertained by the dogs (and a few cats in carriers) while waiting for instructions.

When Martha (everyone’s “Goto” crafter when advice is needed) arrived I procured one of the few remaining chairs and placed it next to Charlotte so they could chat.

Amazingly, of all the dogs present, only one dog barked . None of the cats meowed.

A “Tornado Committee” lady member was able to get the groups attention above all the din by performing a loud “Two Finger” whistle. The chatter stopped and she gave instructions and thanks to the group. As everyone was departing,  I went over and suggested that each safety area have access to a “Bullhorn”. Tornados and Hurricanes will not quite down for a “Two Finger” whistle.

On our way back to the RV, neighbours Stu and Gladys pulled up on their golf cart. Charlotte and Gladys went to our motorhome (a crafting mission). 

I joined Stu in his neat patio area to chat. I was fortunate to gain a lot of neat ideas and advice about a wide variety of things. Most RVers are a wealth of knowledge which they are willing to freely share.

Likewise for Charlotte. We are usually quiet and don’t want to impose; however we always enjoy chatting with our RV neighbours when the opportunity arises.

Our mission for today was a return trip to Deland, FL. I phoned the Kermit Key Lime Factory to check if the sugar free Key Lime (hard) candy was back in stock. They were out of stock on our last trip so I thought it was best to check. Since it was in stock we were off to get a new supply. (Charlotte took the picture using the new Dash Cam)

I know by now that we can’t go to Deland without making a stop at the Quilt Shop (of Deland). 

Next door was a "Bike Delivery" guy. His 3 wheeler had a "Bubble Machine". (Look carefully) It was neat. I'm sure it brings out the "Kid" in everyone.

Charlotte always manages to find something interesting. This trip it was Florence the Flamingo (a kit). She will have fun making it.

Chow Time! Being today was Friday, Fish was on the menu. I offer a suggestion and Charlotte accepted. We were now headed to “Gator Joe's Beach Bar & Grill” in Ocklawaha, FL.

In 1934, while trying to find the Ma Barker Gang, the FBI intercepted a letter mentioning an “Old Joe” near the Barker hideout. Lake Weir was pinpointed as it was found to have a big gator known as “Old Joe”.
On January 16, 1935, the FBI found the Barker gang in a historic home ⅛ mile from Gator Joe’s and in a 4-hour gun battle, Ma and one of her sons were killed. “Joe” on the other hand lived until 1952.
It wasn't until 1952 that Gator Joe crossed paths with Vic Skidmore, a local gator hunter. Gator Joe did not survive that encounter; however his foot did. The foot has had many homes from Florida to Kentucky. It now resides at the bar named after him because of the donation made by one of Vic's friend (Jim Townlee).

As usual, we both ordered their famous “Fish Basket” (3 pieces). Charlotte took Hush Puppies w/Honey to go with the Cole Slaw as her 2 “sides”. I took the traditional “Chips” (French Fries) and Cole Slaw. They have “All You Can Eat” specials on certain days; however this is all we can eat so no need for us to go on these days.  We even took some of today’s meal home with us.

Charlotte decided on “Twisted Tea” to drink. It is a "Hard Tea" made with malt liquor (an American term for beer with a high alcohol content (usually 5%) that is made with ingredients and processes that resemble American lager.   I had the usual Diet Coke.

Today was a little windy so we ate inside. 

The rafters have funny sayings written on them. The more you drink the funnier they get (grin).

I left the Dash Cam on "Detection Mode" when we went in to eat. I walked in front of the car and sure enough the Dash Cam turned on and took a 10 second video. This is a security feature that turns the Dash Cam on - records for 10 seconds - turns off ...every time it senses movement within 30 feet. It works!

Being it was a nice (Del Sol Top Off) day we decided to wander a bit on the way back to OMS. I was not really sure exactly where we were – just the main direction. We stayed on many quiet roads that went around numerous lakes (we are staying in Lake County, after all).

I checked out the Dash Cam video and saw our route as it plotted my course on Google Maps.
The last section on the way home was on main roads. On a section of SR-40 through the Ocala National Forest we saw a section of sky that was full of smoke. 

Later, as we turned onto SR-19 that skirted the Eastern side of the Ocala Forest we were actually stopped for a period as fire crews fought the flames. Just in front of us (a few car lengths ahead) we could see flames right at the edge of the road. (Top Right - hard to make out - looks like sunlight coming through)

We arrived back at OMS by 6 p.m. I decided to stay until after Jeopardy before departing to do the blog.

As usual there were card players in the MPR. I noticed I had lost my Zip Lock bag with an iPhone cable and a few USB thumb drives. I thought it may have slipped out of the computer case when I left yesterday. As I went over to a shelf of odds and ends to look another regular Wi-Fi user asked if I was looking for (gave an exact description) such a bag. He said they (his wife) found it and it was on the side table. Sure enough! That was it. As I have said many times before: "RVers are always helpful".

I then finished the blog and departed for the motorhome. Tomorrow will be a busy day.

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