Monday, January 15, 2018

Mon - Jan 15/18

A normal relaxing morning in the motorhome. Florida considers this another "Cold Spell". It will actually get down to freezing this Thursday due to the clear night skies. Until then the same clear skies mean plenty of sunshine and temps in the low 60's F. This is just great with us as it allows travel with the top off the Del Sol.

It was a late mid-morning breakfast (cereal) and morning TV.

We watched television until after the initial round of conversation on "The View" before departing for "Sew What" in Umatilla, FL. Charlotte made an appointment last week with Norlina for the use of her Long-Arm Quilting Machine.

Norlina charges a reasonable rental for the Long-Arm and is a great help in setting it up for use.

Charlotte has used it several times in the past few years during our Snowbird Stays at OMS. It only took her a few moments to get back into the "Sew of Things". Soon she was free-form quilting.

Norlina is a "Fixture" here in Umatilla. She does alterations for the community. Today folks came in for Insignia on their uniforms and "Patches" on their leather biker's jacket. Locals know her by name as they are repeat customers. Today Darrell, another Canadian, came in for alterations. He, like us, is a Snowbird who also resides at OMS during the winter. His home is in the Dunnville, ON region which is located on the Lake Erie side of the Niagara Peninsula. Yes, that Niagara (Falls).

It took almost 2 hours for Charlotte to complete the quilting of her Butterflies and Sunflower Quilt.

We then headed to Publix (top off on the Del Sol) to get our usual 2 lottery tickets (PowerBall and MegaMillions) for the mid-week draw. One of the big prizes (nearly 500 Million) was won by a 20 year old single guy who took it as a lump sum (just under 300 Million after taxes) and then promptly retired. He's too young to retire! (grin).

Charlotte also picked up a few "Fresh" odds and ends, a magazine and dessert. (Killer Brownies). Then it was back to OMS.

Soon we were back at the RV. The quilt still needs the extra batting trimmed off and the binding sew on; but it looks great. It will probably be a "Summer Quilt" either at home or in the RV.

Our "Slunch" (Supper - Lunch) was the leftovers from yesterday's Texas Roadhouse meal. They serve so much we always take about half home. We each had a Filet Tenderloin and the remaining half of everything we ate yesterday (except the salad). Charlotte made a fresh salad to round out the meal. The steak was as good in the RV as it was in the restaurant. (Oh! So tender).

Kat, our daughter, made her usual "Monday Call" with updates from home. Yesterday, despite the extreme weather conditions, she made it to work and home safely. It only took her 3 times the usual driving duration due to the harsh, icy conditions.

As usual, I headed off to do the blog after Jeopardy. Tonight I went to the MPR where 3 tables were playing card games.

All was completed and I was able to get back to the motorhome in time for the first episode of this year of "Scorpion".

Tomorrow will be a "Park Morning". Charlotte will be working on a "Clock" project.

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