Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Tue - 31 Jan/17

Low last night in the 30's F. The Cold Spell is over! Today will be returning to normal reaching low 70's F with sunshine. No rain for a week at least and temps will raise to the high 70's F. Tonight it will only go down to the high 40's F.

I was a little late driving Charlotte to Crafts this morning. We stayed until after 9 a.m. so we could call Liz (daughter) at work and wish her Happy Birthday. Rats! We got her Voicemail. At least we could leave a message.

The craft room was really crowded today when I carried Charlotte's sewing machine inside for her. I then went next door to the Lodge to do my routine internet stuff.

At the Lodge there were a few folks here to play Cribbage this morning - enough for a two tables.

I update the iPhone including the February Calendar and Contacts. I then put the computer in the car trunk and went into the Craft Room to let Charlotte know I was going to the RV to make Spanish Rice for dinner. I would leave the car for her. She was working on a table runner and was just finishing. (Nice Job). I walked back to the RV.

The walk back (about 3 "RV Blocks") only took a few minutes. I was passed by another "Canadian" park resident (from Ontario) in his Lovely Mercury truck.

Then I was passed by two "Recumbent" bikers.

Most other folks at OMS (Olde Mill Stream RV Resort) have regular bikes, tricycles (with rear baskets) or folding bikes.

Soon I was back at the motorhome.

I made the Spanish Rice. Charlotte arrived just after noon. We ate while watching the local news.

There was enough lunch left for a repeat tomorrow. Then we were off to Hobby Lobby in Mount Dora, FL. I waited in the car enjoying the nice day (top off). I also hoped that the Del Sol owner parked in front of me would return so I could ask them if they knew of  junkyards nearby that had Del Sol parts. They must work in one of the strip mall stores as they didn't appear while I was there.

Charlotte returned after an hour. She was anxious to show me the material she bought.

Next we went to Publix to do a weekly shopping. This is our grocery store of choice.

Mary, at Publix,  was most helpful explaining how the Florida and Power Ball Lottery worked. She explained that winnings in the U.S.A. are taxed. We told her in Canada lottery winners keep all of the prize money.

After shopping we went to Altamonte, FL to pick up an item. Unfortunately, although they were open until 5 they only "process" from 8:30 a.m. until 4 p.m. and it was now about 4:30. Oh Well! It was a nice ride. We will return tomorrow and pickup the item tomorrow afternoon. We will leave after the morning craft session at the park.

Back at the motorhome, once the groceries were put away, we had "Long Johns" for supper. These are like a Chocolate Eclair with the enclosed filling being a custard rather than whipped cream. Being still not hungry after filling up on Spanish Rice at lunch (this was the only excuse we needed) this was a treat.

I then spent almost an hour cooking the several pounds of "Ground Chuck" we just bought. I then filled plastic storage containers and placed them in the freezer. This was all done while Jeopardy was on. Despite being busy I was able to get many of the answers and Final Jeopardy, as well.

The usual NCIS Tuesday night TV was pre-empted by President Trump's 8 p.m. announcement of his choice to fill the Supreme Court vacancy.

Just channel surfing after that to end the day.

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