Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Wed - 18 Jan/17

Well - I Lied.

I thought when I published the blog yesterday we would be watching Jeopardy and NCIS.

Halfway through Jeopardy all of the local news stations interrupted regular broadcasts to bring live coverage of the capture of the fugitive "Cop Killer: Markeith Loyd". He was the subject of a massive manhunt over the last 9 days. He was sought by a task force of officers, working around the clock, that were from several jurisdictions; Orlando Police, Sheriff's Department, State Police, FBI, Homeland Security and the U.S. Marshall's Office as well as other local departments.

A little after 7 p.m. he was captured by police and live coverage hit the news less than 15 minutes later.

A live news conference was held at 8:30 a.m. giving up to date information. The above poster was on display. To our surprise the (now) $125,000 reward didn't provide the information. The Orlando Police Chief indicated it was "Good Police Work". They followed thousands of leads and checked every known associate. They raided hundreds of past sites where he had been known to frequent. Tonight an abandoned residence proved to be where he was hiding.

When he tried to escape out the back he saw he was surrounded and fled back into the house. Shortly after he threw two weapons out and came out the front on his hands and knees. He still tried to physically resist arrest and received a facial wound in the process. He was wearing body armour at the time and one of the guns had a 100 round magazine. I am sure if it was a single officer officer he encounter (as before) he would not have hesitated to shoot his way out.

The police brought him into the Orlando Police HQ in what is know as a "Perp Walk". This is where "The Perpetrator" can be photographed/filmed by TV as he walks into the office.

The Orlando P.D. posted a picture of the slain officer's handcuffs and indicated they would not quit until he was caught. He would symbolic be placed in the fallen officers cuffs. That is how he arrived at OPD. As he entered he shouted out "They Beat Me". The police indicated he resisted arrest. My guess is that not too many viewers were feeling sorry for him.

EMS arrived at the Police Station and went in to treat Loyd. Later he was taken to the hospital for additional treatment. That is where he remained this morning.

The community is now sleeping easier. (Many had recently bought guns and surveillance equipment for protection).

As usual, for a Wednesday, I drove Charlotte to the craft room then proceeded to the Lodge with my computer to do Internet stuff. There I had the pleasure of meeting a new resident from the Green Bay area of Wisconsin. "How about them Packers, eh!" I was surprised to learn he had the same name as a high school class mate. Small world.

Charlotte worked on finishing the additional (3) pillows with the "Trailer" fabric. All Done. She did a great job, as usual. All that is left to do is stuff them with the pillow forms and sew them shut.

I packed the computer when Charlotte arrived about 11:30 a.m..

Lunch today was round two of the "Old El Paso" (Boat) meal Charlotte made yesterday. It was still as tasty today.

After lunch I pulled out the folding ladder to check the light over the door. I needed one so I went to ACE Hardware across the road to pick one up.

Next I stopped to refill our water jug from the "Distilled Water" dispenser situated at the Family General store across from OMS. We also required an additional supply of  "Twizzler" red licorice. Naturally, we found a few other items we didn't know we needed.

Soon the light was working again. Nothing else on the agenda for today. We just watched TV, did odd jobs and rested for the remainder of the day.

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