Friday, January 13, 2017

Thu - 12 Jan/17

Great weather for the next week. Mostly sunshine and temps around 80 F. The weather generally has been running about 10-15 degrees above normal for this time of year. We are not complaining!

The usual morning routine.  At 9 a.m. I dropped Charlotte off at the Craft Room which already had several tables set up with sewing machines.

Charlotte set up, as usual, near the back wall.

I then took the computer out of the trunk and walked to the Lodge next door. I also set up in my usual spot centered along the back wall across from the wood burning fireplace.

I continued to work on tasks that required the internet. As usual a number of folks drifted in to check their email. Most had tablets, They completed their work and were gone within a few minutes.

I completed my internet tasks before Charlotte was finished so I put my computer in the trunk and went inside to join her. She had just complete 1 of 4 pillowcase she is doing for Liz for their trailer.

We stopped at the RV to drop off the computer and sewing machine and to pick up computer #2. I use this computer for a backup. When I took it out of it's case to charge the battery I discovered it had a broken screen. I have no idea how that happened. I have replaced screens on laptops in the past; however the case was warped so I thought it best to bring it in to a computer shop.

I found "Computer Corner" on-line in Leesburg, FL that did just that. It was near the Harbor Freight so I knew where to go. We brought it in for an estimate. We should get a call tomorrow and then can decide if it is worth fixing.

It was now time for lunch. Once again we decided on "Steak and Shake" on the way back on US-441.

It was almost 2 pm. We planned on taking advantage of "Happy Hour" to each get a milkshake at half price to add to our usual "Shooters" (3 small burger w/fries platter).

We still had 15 minutes "To Kill" before 2 pm so we parked and went next door to "Check Out" the Goodwill store. It was huge! This was our first time in a Goodwill store. As we looked around I found a light beige shirt which I purchased. All my shirts are dark and the "Resident Photos" to be done next week for the "OMS Directory" require I wear a light coloured shirt. Problem solved!

We returned to the Steak and Shake (now after 2 pm) which was packed as usual during Happy Hour. We ordered our meal which included a Blackberry Shake for Charlotte and a Turtle Caramel Nut. Their shakes are rated #1 on the Zagat Survey.

We then returned to the motorhome to relax until this evenings show in the Main Rec Hall. We left at 6:30 pm for tonight's entertainment:  "Spittin' Image". The identical twin brothers, Blain and Brian Swabb have appeared at OMS a number of times. They have always played to a packed house.

This is a picture of both of them (grin).

They have been playing music for over 43 years. They did everything from Motown to Bluegrass with Rock 'n Roll and the Blues thrown in. The performed for 15 years in their own nightclub "My Brother's Place" (don't try to figure out which brother - another grin) then went back on to touring. Originally from Greenville, OH they now spend a lot of time on the road doing over 400 shows a year.

Charlotte’s especially enjoyed when they played a Country “George Strait” medley – leading off with two of her  favourite songs – “Amarillo By Morning” and “All My Ex’s Live in Texas.”

They also added a lot of humour to their show. They spent a great deal of time down on the floor with the audience. I thought it was funny except when I got picked with two other audience members to go up on stage.
Prior to the start of the show one of the brothers commented as he walked by (our usual seats near the back)  – “You think your safe here!”. Charlotte, not wanting to be picked, said; “Let’s move back more” which we did.

That move was "Good News  – and Bad News! The "Good  News" was that we got to meet a really nice couple from NY2   (That’s NY Squared = New York, NY - AKA "The Big Apple" - grin). They just arrived at the park and are neighbours a few sites down (on the corner) of our street.
The "Bad News" was that he still found me and I ended up on stage with two others.

Each of us had to open and close our mouth when tapped on the head. We also had to nod "Yes" when we were tapped on the back. Along with this we had to move our hand in an upward (Italian?)gesture as they played an Italian tune (something like "O Sol O Mio".? We were the Lip Sync Dummies.

The walk home after the show was enjoyable. It was still "Shirt Sleeve" warm and the full moon was shining on Lake Pearl.

We watched local TV News (on timer) to end the day

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