Wednesday, February 01, 2017

Wed - 1 Feb/17

A fog warning until 10 p.m. The car was completely coated with a layer of moisture; however the heavier fog is north of us and over by The Villages. Should be another total sunshine day after the fog burns off. Temps into the mid-70's F.

The usual craft morning routine. After parking at the Craft Room I went to The Lodge. Ooops! I forgot the power pack for the computer. It should last the few hours until Charlotte is finished (usually at noon). It will do the battery good to be discharged/recharged (at least that is the common advice).

Did the emails and banking. I update Mabel (our GPS) and programmed and added some specific maps. Windows is still up-to-date. One program, a different one, wouldn't update this morning.

After dropping the sewing machine and computer at the motorhome and having lunch (Spanish Rice from yesterday) we were off with the top off on the Del Sol to Altamonte Springs again. We took the "Back Roads" and enjoy the lovely sunshine.

We did a quick "once around" at Costco. I wanted to pick up a few more of the "collapsible crates". (Great for storage in the RV). Unfortunately, like many special items (non-regular), that often disappear after the initial display palette load is sold, there were none to be had. The only item we purchased was a pair of pillows to be used in a new "Baseball" pillowcase Charlotte just completed for Marty.

On the "Back Roads" again on the way back; however, we detoured off to the Hobby Lobby in Mount Dora, FL. Charlotte needed some glass beads for an upcoming project.

I noticed the same Del Sol in the parking lot as the other day. I decided to check the Strip Mall stores to see if I could find the owner. No Luck at the Radio Shack or Hobby Lobby. I got lucky at China 8.

The owner was very nice. He came out and we chatted about our cars for several minutes. I was hoping he knew of sources for Del Sol parts. My plan actually worked in reverse. He knew of no sources; however I was able to provide him with the one source I knew about in this area of Florida.

I went into the Radio Shack. My USB cord, purchased there last year, needed replacement. I had a warranty and Allen was super helpful. He manage to multi-task to perfection as he help me and 3 other customers all at the same time. That's the reason this is my "Go To" Radio Shack when down here for the winter.

Charlotte next went to the Family General at the end of the strip mall to get some "Grape Leaves" that she also needed for the upcoming project.

Then it was time to find food. We went to our usual spot two lights down on UU-441 - Chili's. Once again we ordered our usual items from the menu.

Charlotte got the "Made Fresh at Your Table" Guacamole and an Arnold Palmer. Mine was the Texas Cheese Fries w/Dr. Pepper. Both were without the Jalapenos (we don't do hot). These are appetizers - we never order a meal to go with them and we always take some "To Go".

We made it back to the motorhome just in time for Jeopardy w/"Long Johns" for dessert. (Check previous blog for a description).

I went to The Lodge to finish today's blog. It was a "Crunch" to complete before it closed for the night. Paul and his work partner was tidying up tonight. They do an excellent job keeping everything "Ship RV Shape". Their good work shows as this park is the highest rated in the Good Sam Survey in the area for cleanliness.

Made it with a minute to spare before closing. Then it was back to the RV.

That wraps up another busy day at OMS.

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