Sunday, January 01, 2017

Sun – 1 Jan/17

Wishing all a great start to the New Year!

The warm has returned with clear blue skies that will bring temps above 80F today. There is; however, quite a high, steady wind blowing the flags straight out.

There was a "Full House" at the New Year's Eve Dance last night.
We don’t usually stay up past midnight; however, we didn’t leave the dance until they showed the countdown (ball drop) from Times Square.

We stood a while outside the clubhouse to watch fireworks that were lighting up the sky on the other side of Lake Pearl near the Umatilla Airport. We could also hear fireworks from all directions. With the departure of the cold front it was actually as warm after midnight as it was during the daytime.

We stayed and watched the New Year arrive in NOLA (New Orleans, LA) with the “Fleur-de-Lis” drop. The Fleur-de-Lis is the symbol of Louisiana. It comes from the French Catholic heritage of the Acadians that settled the area.

The “Drop” took place in Jackson Square, one of our favourite stops (and usually our first) when visiting NOLA.

In New York, Times Square cleared out very quickly after the ball drop; however I am sure that Jackson Square and the adjacent French Quarter (including Bourbon Street) partied on ‘til the wee hours of the morning.

We put the TV on timer; but we were asleep before Los Angeles celebrated. You might say we were in La-La Land” before LA-LA land hit 2017.(grin)
This morning, as usual, we watched CBS Sunday Morning. Today it was while we remained in bed.
We called our girls back home to wish them Happy New Year. Liz, Nick and Marty went night skiing at Mount Titus near Malone, NY. They didn’t leave for home until after the midnight fireworks.
Kat and Gord were asleep before the ball dropped. Kat, a wine store manager, was tired out from this, her most hectic time of the year. She will now enjoy a few well deserved days off, having worked every day for the past few weeks.
As for us, we vowed to “Do Nothing” for the next two days. Of course, that will remain to be seen!
For starters, I did a printout of a new “Boyd’s Bear” list with the additions we picked up yesterday. I also checked the email. I also had to replace a few of the ink cartridges so I could finish the printing.
Charlotte relaxed watching TV while keeping busy knitting a baby hat.
Throughout the afternoon we did little “odds and ends” organizing jobs around the RV. We also watched some TV. I worked on the computer and Charlotte continued knitting. Then we both nodded off. I guess the busy (and late) day yesterday caught up with us and we needed a nap.
What was to be Munch (Mid-day Lunch), toasted sandwiches made with the tomatoes we bought at the Lake County Farmers Market on Thursday, ended up being supper. Charlotte did such a tasty job I requested a second.
The combination of being New Year’s Day and Sunday meant the rest of the day’s TV time involved a lot of channel surfing since we are not into watching (American) football that filled a lot of air-time.
Needless to say, we will be heading for “La-La Land” at our usual time tonight.
Well, it was our intention to take it easy today!

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