Sunday, January 29, 2017

Sun - 29 Jan/17
The rain did come a little harder later in the evening. We could hear it on the motorhome roof throughout the night. It finally ended mid-morning.
The usual start to Sunday – just staying in bed and watching CBS Sunday Morning.
Yesterday it didn’t get above 59 F. Today will be much the same.
I went to the Lodge with the computer to try and get the program update that wasn’t working to run. I think an iTunes media file was causing a problem. I finally was able to get a previous version re-installed and after removing the iTunes files. I was then able to locate, download and re-install a previous version of the program. I didn’t have the heart – after 6 hours – to try to get the new version running.
Otherwise, we did nothing. It’s good to do that once in a while.
That’s it for today – not even a picture.

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