Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Tue  – 10 Jan/17

Craft Day = Up at 7 a.m.
I drove Charlotte to the Craft Room for 9 a.m. I parked outside and walked down the sidewalk carrying my laptop computer to the “Lodge”. This is one of the 3 places in the park with a Wi-Fi Hotspot.  With the craft session going on the chances of a table or power outlet being available would be slim. This is why I decided on going to the Lodge just next door.
My mission today was to start adding pictures to the blog entries that I had already made. First up I register my wireless Bluetooth earphones then used them to listen to an audio book while working on the blog.

Charlotte was working on a crocheting project today and finished early. She completed a 9” square which will be added to those done by others and eventually will be joined to make a quilt that will be donated to someone with cancer.

Charlotte returned to the motorhome to make sandwiches for lunch while I continued updating past blogs with pictures. I completed updating the first 5 blogs for this year with pictures. Then I returned to RV for a late lunch.

We watched TV until the completion of the Dr. Phil program. Then it was time to head for the S
Savannah Center in The Villages. We were looking forward to the ( 5 p.m.) “Laugh a Little” with Rich Little show. We had good seats in row 4.

Rich Little, born in Ottawa, ON, first made an impression as an impressionist (grin) on Canadian TV in the mid-60’s. He was then “discovered” by American TV and has been a fixture “South-of-the-Border” ever since. The Villages, being America’s largest 55+ community (120,000+), is the perfect venue for Rich. Everyone here can remember from personal experience, all the stars he impersonates.
Rich entertained us for over an hour and a half with comedy and humour delivered with the “voices”, mannerisms and anecdotes of numerous stars of TV, stage and screen. It brought back 50 years of memories of “the times of our lives”. We once again got to experience the singers, actors and TV personalities we grew up with.
The show chronicled the career of Rich Little. A talented charcoal artist, Rich presented his sketches of the stars he portrayed with his impressions on a large stage screen. The screen was also used to show numerous actual TV clips of his appearances portraying these same stars.
After the show, Rich graciously appeared for autographs and pictures. He was also selling his current book “Little by Little” with all proceeds going to the Gary Sinise Wounded Warriors Charity.
We highly recommend “Laugh a Little” with Rich Little to all of our generation. It was exceptional!

Supper, on the way back to OMS, was at our usual Steak and Shake on Hwy-441.
We both had “Shooters” (3 mini-burgers w/fries).
For dessert we each shared the “Fat Man’s (???) and a Napoleon after arriving back at the motorhome while watching NCIS.
Various TV (surfing) programs and writing the blog (for publishing tomorrow morning) finished the evening.

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