Thursday, January 19, 2017

Thu - 19 Jan/17

We still have great weather that will hit 80 F again today under bright skies. Humidity will not start to arrive until tomorrow when we will head for a "Cold Spell" (it will go down to the 70's) and bring with it the possibility of showers and thunderstorms. It will probably only last for a few days.

Another regular Thursday morning. I dropped Charlotte off at the craft room and went next door to the lodge with my computer.

Not a lot to do online today. I checked for a Windows 10 Pro update for the computer. There was none. I updated a few virus programs, checked our email and did our banking. That was about it for all that needed to be done this morning.

I did all this while listening to an audible book through my hearing aids. My current selection is "Trunk Music" (A Harry Bosch Novel) by Michael Connelly.

A notice for a  35 day "3 Region Encounter" offered by the Great American RV Caravan Tour" company was in the emails. I scanned their agenda to see if there were any spots we would be interested in seeing should we pass by those areas some time in the future. I had most sites in their tour already listed in my database. I had made a custom designed program for that purpose. A number of the places listed we had already "Been There - Done That"- sometimes a number of times.

I added "Arc Encounter" to our list as a (slim) possibility. It is a Christian Fundamentalist Theme Park with a "Large-as-Life" Noah's Arc that opened last summer in Williamstown, KY. I was not interested in the Billy Graham Library in Charlotte, NC; however a stop in Airy, NC (the inspiration for Mayberry in the Andy Griffith Show) has always been on our list. The Historical Carter House and Carnton Plantation in Franklin, TN were also of interest.

We had already done everything listed for Chattanooga, TN, Colonial Williamsburg (VA) Niagara Falls, NY and Washington, DC. We had just spent 4 days in Bath, NY this summer with friends from Mexico, so that was not added to our listed either. The "Rock and Roll Hall of Fame" (Cleveland, OH) was actually in our plans to visit when we came south this winter. Unfortunately, the month long delay caused by a cancelled medical appointment meant we had to pass it up. Maybe on the way back?

I then added these new spots to my Streets and Trips template. It, like my database, has the 7,700 + items. They are marked on the map with address, phone and other vital information.

In the emails I also received an update from The Villages Entertainment. They had just arranged for "The Yardbirds", an iconic group from "The British Invasion" era of the '60's, to appear at The Savannah Center on March 9th. I added it to our entertainment tickets immediately. This was their initial ticket offering by The Villages and I could have gotten front row seats (slightly off center); however, I decided on row 2 with seats on the center aisle for the 5:30 p.m. show, instead.

Charlotte arrived a little before 11:45 a.m. I gave her the trunk key then I packed up the computer and joined her. After dropping everything off (main computer, sewing machine and craft bag) at the motorhome, we headed for Computer Corner in Leesburg, FL. I received a call that our "backup" computer had been repaired.  It had been damaged on the way down here in the motorhome.  I brought it in last week for repair. We were now off to pick it up.

Of course, we had to make a stop at Jo-Ann Fabrics. Here Charlotte picked up some material for her next project.

A few miles down the road we arrived at the Ichiban (Oriental) Buffet for lunch. Charlotte really enjoys their sushi with ginger. I like the "Hot and Sour" soup and just about everything else. We left stuffed, as usual.

After lunch our first stop was at Lowe's just a bit down the road. I wanted a few additional coat hooks for the RV (to hold flashlights above the doorway). I also had 2 spare Honda Del Sol keys made.

This multi-stop excursion continued. A little further down the road I pulled into Jenkins Honda. I thought I could pick up a bolt for the Del Sol headlight pod at the parts counter. They had none. It is a special item so I ordered 4 and will be able to pick them up tomorrow.


We then continued on to Computer Corner to pick up the backup computer. They did an excellent job. It looks, works and feels like new. The tech said it is a "very good little computer" which is exactly why I thought it was worth repairing.

We had originally planned on continuing on to Camping World; but that would have put us into the middle of 6 lanes of rush hour traffic on US-441/27. Instead, we headed back to OMS using less congested CR-44.

When we arrived back at the park we went to check the mail. There we found our electricity bill for the month and a "You've Got Mail" card. This card meant a package was waiting for us at the office.. It was just before 5 p.m. so we had time to take care of both items. Charlotte went in to pay the bill and picked up the package which turned out to be our order of K-cups from Keurig.

Back at the motorhome we turned on the A/C to cool everything down as it was now in the mid-80's F. Charlotte enjoyed a cup of tea from the Keurig order that just came in and I checked out the new/old computer.

Charlotte then arranged the material pattern that she worked on today at crafts on the kitchen table. It check it out and looks really neat!

I added the coat hooks above the doorway to hold flashlights for easy accessibility. It may look like a mess; but it is now much better compared to before the hooks were added.

No other plans for today other than an evening of TV with the possibility that we will play either Scrabble or Quirkle  while watching/listening like we did last night.

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