Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Tue - 24 Jan/17
Another cool morning; but with a lighter breeze than yesterday. The sky was clear blue. The high today will be in the 70’s F. It was now in the mid-50's F.

I drove Charlotte to the Craft Room for 9 a.m. She wanted to walk because the sewing machine wasn't needed. Today it's "Paper Flowers". I was going to use the Wi-Fi so I convinced her to ride along.
I parked outside the Craft Room and walked next door to The Lodge with my computer.

I continued listening to Michael Connelly's "Trunk Music" through my hearing aids while I took care of some banking and email needs. A few other folks came in to use the Wi-Fi while I was there. I was all done taking care of business by 9:30.

I then used the Wi-Fi to update my virus software and iTunes. Windows 10 checked out as up-to-date. This took a little after 10 a.m. By then folks were arriving for the scheduled Cribbage session. Eventually there were enough for 2 tables (4 at each).
I packed up the computer and went to the Craft Room to let Charlotte know I was returning to the motorhome with the car. They were having a great time working at making paper flowers.
I also checked out the mail. The fee schedule (naturally, with increases) for next year was in the box. We can renew our lot for a 3 month reservation on Feb 20th for next year. The only catch is folks reserving for longer periods can grab our lot as they can register before that date. We will keep our fingers crossed.
At the RV I left the computer and picked up the wash bucket and returned to the car wash area (the one across from the Craft Room). I just had time to complete cleaning the car when Charlotte emerged with her new posies.
She had fun making paper flowers – pretty neat, eh!.
Lunch was the Spaghetti (again) that I made yesterday. The sauce is always better the second day. There is enough left for tomorrow.

We met our neighbors on the street behind us. Their site borders our lot at the left back corner. These really nice folks (Canadian, Eh!) are from Huntsville, ON.  They participate in “Tractor-Pulls” on the weekends while down here in the winter. He has several tractors back home. The one he has down here was a really beautiful piece of equipment. Charlotte thought Nick would like it because it had really big tires.
The weather was absolutely perfect for a "topless" (hard top removed on the Del Sol) ride to the movies.at the Villages Brownwood Theatre.
Keeping with the "Western Theme" the theatre is beautifully decorated.
The walls outside the different cinema entrances are decorated with "past era" motif items. Quite interesting.
We were there for the Star Wars Rogue One movie in 3D. 3D is the only way to see this type of film. It was over 2 hours long and quite good; however the original is still our favourite Star Wars movie.
It was another lovely ride back to OMS. If it wouldn’t have been getting dark soon I would have liked to just keep riding along enjoy the weather. To compensate (grin) we made a stop at our favourite ice cream shop in Umatilla. (Yup! That detour ruined our supper).
Soon we were back at the RV. Charlotte spent a few moments sweeping the acorns off the patio. The acorn "fallout" from the trees this year is the highest it has been in our 4 years here. The amount near the step is just what hasn't been swept yet - and that is the amount that has fallen daily for the past month or more - unbelievable!
We were now in for our usual TV programs. Supper will just be snacks. (Bet you know why? - grin)
That wraps up another great day in the Sunshine State!

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