Saturday, January 07, 2017

Sat – 7 Jan/17

The storm continued throughout the night and woke us up several times. The lightning often was so close there was only a fraction of a second between the “Flash” and the “Crash”. Since the "Rule of Thumb" is each second = 1 mile, some of the lightning strikes were within a few hundred yards. The crashes were so loud we were awakened a number of times during the night; however going back to sleep again with “Rain on the Roof” was easy.

Today was a good “Sleep in” day.

After a late breakfast, Charlotte chopped celery and onion to add to the Potato Salad we will be taking to the “Pot Luck” at 5 p.m. in the Rec Hall. The Bean Soup is made each year from the leftover ham from the Christmas Dinner. It is always delicious. We will have to be there by 4:30 or we will be 15 minutes late.
We passed on going to the Craft Show at Spanish Springs in The Villages due to the weather. Today was quite cool and very damp and windy which along with cloudy sky did not encourage an outing. Our only event for today will be the “Bean Soup Pot Luck” in the Rec Hall this afternoon. Until then it will be TV time.

In the meantime, I did a little work adding photos to the earlier entries in this year's blogs. I had not inserted pictures previously because of the park Wi-Fi situation. I will continue to add pictures, probably on Tuesday morning, when Charlotte goes to crafts. I will then go to the Lodge to make updates.
We needed our coats for the walk to the Rec Hall for the Pot Luck. It will cool down to the mid-30's F this evening. It won't be until Tuesday that the daytime highs return to the 70's F.

There was a good crowd for the Pot Luck (as always). We were lucky - Table #2 was the first called to start the meal. We filled our plates with a nice variety of "Pot Luck" dishes while a bowl of "Bean Soup" was brought for each of us at our table. There were also a wide choice of desserts making choosing difficult.

We arrived back at the RV just as the Local News was starting. We were shocked to hear an attack by a single gunman happened at Orlando International Airport had leaving 5 dead and 8 injured. It appears the shooter was ex-military from Alaska with mental problems and may not be linked to terrorism.

This isn't the same world we knew just a few short years ago.

Random TV will wrap up a relatively quiet day. 

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