Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Wed - Feb 21/18

The weather is continuing its trend of being in the mid-80's F without rain. That does not mean there is no humidity. Most days start above 95% humidity and may drop to 75% if it is not a day with rain. We don't do well in heat and humidity in Florida - in AZ (4% humidity) we didn't even turn on the A/C at 100 F.

I drove Charlotte to the MPR so she could continue her work on "Florence the Flamingo". There was a full house here today. Eventually it will look like the sample in the "Quilt Shop of Deland".

I went next door to the Lodge to connect with Wi-Fi. It was packed with the full "Tornado Committee" folks (a few dozen volunteers). OMS has the only program of this kind in all of Florida. They should be commended and their good example. The concept should be spread around to others. Amazing what a direct hit from a tornado will do for awareness. (grin)

I am trying to figure out why my computer keeps changing my desktop icons from their assigned position to the left side of the screen in alphabetical view. This just started after the last Windows 10 Update. It seems that every Windows 10 "improvement" has a glitch.

Charlotte arrived at noon and we returned to the motorhome for lunch. I've mastered the art of making Marie Callender Turkey Pot Pies:
     - Tear off the top of the cardboard box (along perforations).
     -  Press the "Quick Minute" 7 times.
     -  Remove and flip over onto plate and remove from pie container.
     -  Serve with a smile and a fork. (grin)

After lunch I replaced the old wiper blades on the motorhome. The freezing rain on the windshield on our trip to Florida torn the wipers up.

The new wipers are larger and much sturdier with a blade has about twice the width of the previous set. They are also 2 inches longer giving more cleaning area. The tennis balls keep the blades from touching the windshield while we are "on site". This places less stress on the blades while parked for extended periods.

The custom covers protect the blades from the sun's UV rays adding to their life span.

It was just too hot and humid to go for a convertible ride today despite the sunshine. Charlotte continued to "Stuff the Bird". All the pieces for "Florence" now have to be turned inside out and then stuffed before final assembly.

Rant Time: Additional facts that came out today while we watched TV.

There have been school shootings at the rate of once every 3 days. There have been 18 school shootings since the start of the year. This does not include children shot in other types of shootings. 150,000 students have experienced a school shooting since Columbine.

Shamelessly, when Florida Gov. Rick Scott (a Republican) who has overseen the state-sponsored invalidation of local gun laws in places like Broward County, where the massacre occurred, was asked by reporters what business a 19-year-old had with a semi-automatic rifle. Scott said it was neither the time nor the place to discuss that. This is the Republic Party Line!

Since Sandy Hook there have been at least 239 school shootings with 438 shot and 138 killed.

After Sandy Hook the standard political "Pontius Pilate" approach to the issue was also applied. Many politicians at that time also symbolically "washed their hands" by saying this is not the time to talk about the issue...and they never did!

When is the Time?

Incredibly, the Florida legislature withdrew a bill to ban semi-automatic weapons just hours before the students from the Parkland St. Valentine's Day Massacre showed up to protest. How is that for an "In Your Face" kind of move?

Instead of everyone coming together to Humanize the problem they are splitting apart and Politicizing the issue.

I wonder what Trump's response would be if his protection and that of his family, costing millions of dollars a day, were withdrawn. Children certainly do not have that kind of security.

President Trump is hosting a "Listening Session" at the White House today with students affected by last week's Florida school shooting, parents of children affected by school shootings, teachers, and advocates from a gun control group Sandy Hook Promise. 

Sorry for being skeptical. I think this is just a more "Politically Correct" version of "this is not the time to talk about the issue" Look people...we're listening. (The idea was probably generated by the "Spin Doctors" that create "Alternative Facts" for those in power.  I believe the end result will still be that nothing is done to address the problem.

Students in many Florida schools walked out for 17 minutes today ( 1 minute for every Parkdale victim).

GO STUDENTS! ...and don't forget, many of you will be able to vote in the next election.

End of Rant.

Guess What? The usual Jeopardy and TV Evening tonight.

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